The Young Gentleman's Library: A Repository of Useful and Entertaining Knowledge; Designed to form the Taste and improve the Intellectual Powers, as well as to furnish a Fund of rational Entertainment. Philadelphia: Crissy, Waldie & Co., 1835. First Edition. [8274]
Green floral pattern cloth, spine covered in green cloth tape, 4 1/2 x 7 1/4 inches, extra title page with wood engraving, 336 pp., foxing. Publisher's advert for other books, printed on blue paper, at back. Good. Hardcover.
Examples from classical and contemporary literature of the best virtues and habits for a young man to develop. The publisher intends "to present such practical views concerning the development of character, intellectual and moral, as are suited to the situation of a young gentleman who are ambitious to become useful and respectable members of society."