Tennemann, Guglielmo. Manuale della storia Della Filosofia (Volumi 1, 2, 3); Tradotto da Francesco Longhena con note e supplimenti dei Professori Giandomenico Romagnosi, Baldassare Poli e Peitro Perrone. Napoli: Prota, 1833-4. 1st. [758]
Three volumes bound as one book. Leather spine with decorative blind tooling & gilt, marbled paper boards, 22.5 x 14 cms. xxv. 213; 236; 224 pp. Tight. . Text in Italian. Very good. Hardcover.
Wilhelm Gottlieb Tennemann (1761-1819), German historian of philosophy; in 1788 became lecturer on the history of philosophy at Jena, and in 1789 became professor in the same university; then with the same position at Marburg from 1804 until his death. This three-volume edition of his Manual of the History of Philosophy was first published in German in 1812, and is an abridgement of his larger eleven-volume work.