Mc'Lean, D. H. A. A Discourse on the Final Perseverance of the Saints. New Wilmington, Pa: Chandler & Ferguson, 1856. [7615]
Green printed wrappers, partially split at the fold, 5 1/2 x 8 1/2 inches, 56 clean pp., donation inscription inside front. Good. Pamphlet.
The author delivered this first as a lecture in New Wilmington, to which the Rev. R. A. Caruthers, of the Methodist Episcopal Church, replied in print. Rev. Mc'Lean was solicited to put his lecture in print, and here does so with extensive additional notes which serve as a counter to the Reply of Rev. Caruthers. Also, the original lecture was delivered at the request of the General Assembly Presbyterian Church, on the text of Matthew 28: 23-35, a text which the Methodist Rev. Caruthers claimed no Presbyterian could preach upon.