A Society of Ministers. The Christian Magazine; or, Evangelical Repository for 1803. A periodical monthly publication, by a Society of Ministers; intended as a Treasury of Gospel Doctrine; for counteracting the Influence of Error, and Disseminating Religious Knowledge among Persons of all Denominations. Edinburgh: Printed for the Editors, by Murray & Cochrane, 1803. First Edition. [4339]
Half leather with red leather spine title label, small round leather label stamped "7," 8 1/2 x 5 1/2 inches, front outer hinge cracked but not separated, older and more recent former owner's signatures on front end papers, first free end paper with loss of about half of the leaf. Tp with two small ink stamps of Free Church of Scotland College Library. 526 pp. with index. Pages are generally clean. The 12 monthly issues for 1803, with a general title page, Preface, and index. Good.
A scarce periodical of missionary, revival, and theological interest. Includes "Remarks on a Strange Work in Kentucky."
The volume contains doctrinal essays; missionary & missionary society reports; many letters by clergymen; ordinations, obituaries, &c.