Totten, John C. [compiler]. Hymns and Spiritual Songs, with the Chorus Affixed: as usually sung at Camp-Meetings, &c. New-York: Printed and Sold by J. C. Totten, 1819. Eleventh Edition. [11068]
Full leather, very worn, the text block is separated from the binding, 10 x 6.5 cm (4 x 2 1/2 inches). 192 pp.; the leaves are complete with 4 torn with loss of words, others torn with no loss of words, and old stains. Poor. Hardcover.
135 hymns, words only.
First published in 1809, it was the earliest of its kind to print and include camp-meeting hymns, and it includes "the spiritual pattern of chorus and verse in all its intricacies, [this] was the product of the American frontier." Don Yoder, Pennsylvania Spirituals, (Lancaster, Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania Folklife Society, 1961) p. 6.
John C. Totten (1778-1837), a New York City printer who printed many Methodist publications.
With a signed provenance card from the music collection of A. Merril Smoak, Jr., DWS.