The Growing World; or, Progress of Civilization, and the Wonders of Nature, Science, Literature and Art, interspersed with a Useful and Entertaining Collection of Miscellany, by the Best Authors of our Day; Illustrated. Sold by Subscription Only. Philadelphia, Chicago and Kansas City: W. M. Patterson & Co., 1884. [10869]
Olive cloth decorated in gilt & black, edge-worn with fraying at the corner tips and spine ends, 10 1/4 x 7 1/2 inches, 512 generally clean pages, infrequent foxing; . Many illustrations, both full-page and in-text. Fair. Hardcover.
The Preface extols the benefits of education, and warns against ignorance.
"Ignorance is constantly putting forth false literature, and teaching false doctrines, through which the young mind is liable to be tempted and led astray. It is the instigator of drunkenness, debauchery, and shame. It is the precursor of tyranny, crime, and war. Thousands of our young men are being led away, and they are forming habits truly deplorable. They are to be the men that the coming generation will have to contend with. The war between ignorance and knowledge will continue; but knowledge and education are in the ascendant; and wherever civilization extends, the banner of ignorance trails in the dust."
Hundreds of articles and illustrations on a vary wide range of topics, as described in the book's title.