Fifty-eighth Annual Report of the New York State Agricultural Society, and Annual Report of New York Bureau of Farmers' Institutes, for the year 1898, Including Transactions of Meetings of New York State Dairymen's Association, and American Association of Farmers' Institute Managers, for the year 1899. Albany and New York: Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford Co., State Printers, 1899. First Edition. [10282]
Maroon cloth with blind borders, bright gilt titles & design to spine, light wear with some white (ink?) spots, 9 x 6 inches. xxxi., 732 clean pp., several illustrations, some in colors. Good. Hardcover.
Besides the reports there are several interesting articles, including Tillage and Cover Crops for the Orchard; The Orange Hawkweed or "Paint Brush," with a color plate; The New Strawberry Culture; Pruning and Cultivating the Peach; A Half Acre of Sugar Beets; Judging Live-Stock in the Show-Ring; Methods of Producing Honey; How Some Birds Help the Farmer (with color plates); The Farm Child; Humane Treatment of Animals a Source of Profit on the Farm; Helpmeets - What Woman Does for Man.