Henry, Lord Brougham; Wylde, James [editor]. The Circle of the Sciences: With an Introductory Discourse of the Objects, Pleasures, and Advantages of Science (4 volume set). London & New York: The London Printing and Publishing Company, Limited, ca. 1870. [9460]
Originally issued as 22 parts, here bound in four large volumes, each 11 x 8 inches; bound in pebbled morocco with marbled boards, end papers, and page edges. xxvii., (1)-540; (iv.) (541)-1254, (1); Viii., (1)-500; 501-1002, (1). All bindings tight, text pages bright and clean, some plates in vol. i. with corner damp stain, bindings with some edge-wear and scuffs. Very good. Hardcover.
This marvelous work is complete in four volumes with all 22 sections, all plates and with indices. The binding numbers are correct; so too are the title pages and all pagination.
Volumes I and II total 12 sections devoted to Experimental, Chemical, Mathematical and Mechanical Philosophy.
Volumes III and IV total 10 sections devoted to Natural Sciences, Animal & Vegetable Kingdoms.
There is a complete Index for vols. 1 & II and another Index for vols. III & IV.
A fabulous set with thousands of illustrations and many folding plates.