Sherwood, J. M. [Editor]. The Biblical Repository and Classical Review: Third Series, 1849. New York: Published by the Proprietor, 1849. First Edition. [10425]
Quarter calf with blue marbled boards, scuffed yet tight with good joints, 8 1/2 x 5 1/2 inches. Marbled end papers, front paste-down with scuff mark from removed bookplate. Ink library donation stamp on ffep. ii., 762 clean pp. Includes and index for the year. Very good. Hardcover.
This includes the four quarterly issues for 1849, bound with a general title page and index.
This is a "New School" publication with doctrinal and critical essays, book reviews, theology, &c. The contributors are Presbyterians, Congregationalists, and at least one Methodist (S. Comfort).
The volume includes Old and New School Presbyterianism, a review of Rev. Lewis Cheeseman and his defense of the Old School position, critiqued by Rev. Samuel T. Spear.
Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost, by Rev. D. B. Cox;
Strictures on Wilson on the Mode of Baptism, by Rev. Edward Beecher;
A Review of Finney's Theology - a very critical denunciation of Finney by Rev. George Duffield.
Schleiermacher's Religious Views;
Theophanies of the Old Testament, by Rev. E. Noyes;
The Rise and Fall of the Papacy, by Rev. George B. Cheever;
The Chinese Empire, by Rev. Rufus W. Clark;
Thoughts on the Atonement, with remarks on the views of S. T. Coleridge;
The Sandwich or Hawaiian Islands: Their History and Relations to the rest of the World, by Rev. Henry T. Cheever;
The Doctrine of Man's Immortality, and of the Eternal Punishment of the Wicked, as set forth in the Ancient Scriptures, by Asahel Abbot;
The Demand and Demonstration of a Future Retribution in Natural Theology, by Rev. George B. Cheever;
The Doctrine of the Trinity Rational and Scriptural, by Rev. Edward Beecher; &c.