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Stuart, Moses. Ordination of Rev. William G. Schuaffler, Missionary to the Jews

Stuart, Moses. Ordination of Rev. William G. Schuaffler, Missionary to the Jews

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Stuart, Moses. Sermon at the Ordination of the Rev. William G. Schuaffler, as Missionary to the Jews; Preached at Part-Street Church, Boston, on the evening of November 14, 1831. Andover: Flagg and Gould, 1831. Second Edition. [9387]

Removed, no wrapper, 5 1/4 x 8 /2 inches, foxing on tp, 36 otherwise clean pp. Good. Pamphlet.

A sermon on Romans 9:25-31, with 4 points: 1. That Israel is blind as to the excellence and glory of the gospel; 2. That they will not always be so, but will be converted to the Christian Faith; 3. This conversion will take place when the fullness of the Gentiles shall be gathered in; and 4. I shall inquire, by what means the Jews are to be converted, i. e. by what kind of agency, and by whom?

There are several explanatory notes, including an in-depth look at the prophecies of Daniel and of the Revelation. Includes the instructions delivered to Rev. Schauffler by Rufus Anderson and David Greene, on behalf of the A. B. C. F. M.

William Gottlieb Schauffler (1798-1893), b. in Stutgart, Germany. In 1805 his family settled in Odessa, Russia, where his early education was gained, partly in a German school and partly by self-study, in which he mastered Russian, French, and Italian, and studied Latin, Greek, and English. “He came early under the influence of “missions” and was converted by an evangelical Catholic, Ignatius Lindl. Urged to enter missionary service by an agent of the Basle Missionary Institute, named Saltet, he was enlisted for work among Moslems by Joseph Wolff. On Feb. 8, 1826, he sailed with Wolff for Constantinople, where he began the study of Turkish and “Islamic controversy.” On May 8 he sailed for Smyrna, to begin his missionary activities. A sudden change of plan, however, carried him to America for further education. Arriving in Boston on Nov. 7, he applied, at the suggestion of officers of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, for admission to Andover Theological Seminary. There he spent five years, supported by funds of the institution and his own labors, especially as a cabinet maker. His course of study included Greek and Hebrew, but he added, under his own tuition, Chaldaic, Syriac, Arabic, Persian, Turkish, Rabbinic, Coptic, and Ethiopic. Before his career was over, it is said, he could understand twenty-six languages, use ten with facility, and speak extemporaneously in six.  He gained experience in preaching by supplying for several months the pulpit of the Park Street Congregational Church in Boston. On Nov. 14, 1831, he was ordained in this church, and commissioned by the American Board as a missionary to the Jews of Turkey…Thereafter, for several years, he engaged in missionary tours and Bible translation.  His first Jewish converts were won in 1835. During 1855-56 Jewish missions were transferred to the Free Church of Scotland, and he devoted himself thereafter to the Armenians and Turks under the Turkey Mission of the American Board.” – DAB.    

Moses Stuart (1780-1852), born at Wilton, Connecticut. Stuart graduated with highest honors from Yale College in 1799, afterwards teaching at several posts, including as Tutor at Yale. He studied theology under Dr. Dwight and was ordained pastor of the Church in New Haven in 1806. From 1810 to 1848 he was Professor of Sacred Literature at Andover. “Mr. (for he refused the title of Dr.) Stuart’s life was one of incessant labor, devoted chiefly to Biblical literature. In this he led the way in his own country with most happy results. His own contributions to sacred learning are very valuable; but perhaps he did even more by the impulse he gave to Biblical study, and the sound principles of Biblical exegesis which he instilled into the minds of his younger brethren, especially in America, than by the works which he himself published.” – M’Clintock & Strong.