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Proof of Uninterrupted Consecrational Descent of Bishops of Church of Ireland

Proof of Uninterrupted Consecrational Descent of Bishops of Church of Ireland

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Hardinge, W. H. Narrative of the Proof of the Uninterrupted Consecrational Descent of the Bishops of the Church of Ireland, from the Bishops who, in the year 1536, represented the Bishops of the Primitive Ecclesia Hibernica; as evidenced by the Public Records of England and Ireland. Dublin: George Herbert, 1867. First Edition. [10994]

Removed, new acid-free wrapper, 8 x 5 1/4 inches, 39 pp. Good. pamphlet.

Written in response to a "bold and novel attack, impugning the legitimacy of the descent of the Bishops of the Church of Ireland from the Roman Catholic Bishops they succeeded in that Church upon the passing of the several Reformation Acts of the Irish Parliament in the twenty-eighth year of the reign of King Henry VIII., Anno Domini 1537."

A treatise relating the history of the early Reformation in Ireland, as a refutation of the Rev. W. Maziere Brady, D.D. 

"These extracts commence with the year 1535, when the Church of Ireland was Roman Catholic, and continue through after transition changes to 1560, the second year of the reign of Queen Elizabeth, when the consolidation and final settlement of the Irish National Reformation Church was perfected."