Erasmus, Desiderius. Opera Omnia, Desiderii Erasmi Roterodami: Recognita et Adnotatione Critica Instrvcta Notisqve Illvstrata, Ordinis Primi, Tomvs Primvs. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Company, 1969. ISBN: 0720461510. [11089]
Gray publisher's cloth, ex library with the standard library matter including ink stamps on the closed page edges and a partially removed spine label, 26 x 18.5 cm (10 1/4 x 7 1/4 inches), tight. XXI, 681 clean pages. Page edges with dust spots. Good. Hardcover.
The text is in Latin; the notes are in English.
This volume includes Antibarborvm Liber; Commentarivs Erasmi in Nvcem Ovidii; Libanii Aliqvot Declamativncvlae, Euripidis Hecvba et Iphigenia Latinae Factae Erasmo Interprete; Lvciani Complvria Opvscvla ab Erasmo et Thoma Moro Interpretibvs Optimis in Latinorvm Lingvam Tradvcta; Galini Exhortatio ad Bonas Arteis Praesertim Medcinam, de Optimo Docendi Genere, et Qvalem Oporteat esse Medicvm, Erasmo Interprete.
Desiderius Erasmus (1467-1536), “born at Rotterdam…educated at Daventer. Entered among the canons regular 1486. Ordained a priest 1492. Visited England 1497. Resided at Louvain, Padua, and Rome 1501 to 1510, when he returned to England and obtained the Margaret Professorship of Divinity and the Greek Lectureship at Cambridge. Went to Basil 1514, where he edited the Greek New Testament, the works of St. Jerome, and other works…He was considered the glory of his age and country, and contributed more than any other to the restoration of learning in Europe, and to the Reformation, although he did not join the Reformers.” – Darling, Cyclopedia Bibliographia.