Dale, George Needham; Dale, Porter Hinman [compiler]. Memorial Sketches: written of many friends, by George Needham Dale (G. N. D.); Published in the Essex County Herald, From time to time through a quarter century. Island Pond, Vermont: Essex County Herald Press, 1903. First Edition. [10921]
Gilt-decorated olive morocco with raised bands, spine sunned brown, else-wise fine and very handsome, 9 x 6 inches, all page edges gilt. Marbled end papers, 384, [6], clean pages, portraits, tight. Near fine. Hardcover.
A collection of biographical essays by G. N. D. compiled by the son of the author.
George Needham Dale (1834-1903), Vermont lawyer, politician; member pf the Vermont Senate, Lieutenant-Governor of Vermont for one term. His biographical sketches shine light on the lives of the famous and common men alike, and are remarkable for their insights.
Presented in a gorgeous binding.