Arnd, Johann. Sechs Bücher vom wahren Christenthum nebst dessen Paradies-Gärtlein mit einer Lebensbeschreibung des sel. Mannes Gottes und mie einer Vorrede, so wie einer Geschichte von der wunderbaren Erhaltung des Paradies-Gärtleins. Zürich: Franz Hanke, 1848. [10171]
Leather spine & corners, brown speckled paper over card, binding tight but scuffed with some surface loss, vellum spine title label, 21.5 x 14 cm (8 1/2 x 5 1/2 inches). Bordered wood engraving of Arnd as frontipiece, 48 additional wood engravings including one of a printer setting type. XXVIII, [2], 1000; frontispiece, 272 pp. Good. Hardcover.
The last section of the book, Paradies-Gärtlein voller christlichen Tugenden has the imprint Schaffhausen: Johann Friedrich Schalch, 1844.
Johann Arnd, or Arndt (1555-1621), German Lutheran theologian & pastor; a mystical and devotional writer. His devotional works have been deemed useful to both Catholic and Protestant readers, and are held in high esteem by the German Pietists.