Collected volume of 19 Anti-Masonic pamphlets. Bound for Epaphras Hoyt, of Deerfield, Massachusetts.
Full leather with leather spine title label, edges rubbed yet without cracks or damage, 4 1/2 x 7 1/2 inches, front end papers with dark stain. Handwritten list of contents tipped to the ffep - these two leaves very loose. The list of contents omits the second tract and has only 18 titles; there are 19 titles bound in the book. Contents generally good+ with light foxing, elsewise noted below. Contents in order as bound:
An Account of the Savage Treatment of Captain William Morgan, in Fort Niagara, Who was subsequently Murdered by the Masons, and Sunk in Lake Ontario, for publishing the Secrets of Masonry. By Edward Giddins, Formerly Keeper of the Fort and a Royal Arch Mason. Sixth Edition. Boston: Published and Sold at the Anti-Masonic Bookstore, 1830. Title page with woodcut of “View of a Mason taking his First Oath,” Introduction on verso. Then follows A Statement of Facts relative to the Confinement of William Morgan in Fort Niagara…&c. with the running title, “Giddins’ Narrative.” [15]-24. Tidemark throughout.
Walgren 3299, 3 locations. Cummings p. 37 where An Account of the Savage Treatment is listed as a separate publication from A Statement of Facts.
Sabin 27331 with same pagination as above. WorldCat locates only one copy, at AAS.
Giddins published an Anti-Masonic Almanac at Utica for several years.
Anti-Masonic Tract, No. 4. Containing an Important Correspondence between The Suffolk Committee, The Faculty of Harvard University and Andover Theological Institution. Also, Rev. Moses Thacher’s Address, delivered before the Anti-Masonic Meeting at Faneuil Hall, on the Evening of Sept 8, 1829. Boston: John Marsh, 1829. [1]-12 pp., tidemark throughout.
Walgren 3046.
The letter from the Committee inquired in to the authentic antiquity of Freemasonry. The responses are from Josiah Quincy, Rev. Leonard Woods, and Professor Moses Stuart. Then follows the Address by Rev. Moses Thatcher. Thatcher’s name is printed this way in the text, and as “Thacher” on the title page.
Last recorded sale at RareBookHub is from a 1937 Goodspeed catalogue.
Rev. Moses Thacher (1795-1878) b. Princeton, MA; d. Cambridge, IL. He was one of the founders of the New England Anti-Slavery Society, was active in the Temperance movement, and editor of the New England Telegraph and Eclectic Review (1835-6). “He is a gentleman of great modesty and worth - great moral courage in every cause - great perseverance, industry and talent. He is deeply interested in the cause of emancipation…” - Wm. Lloyd Garrison, June 29, 1832 Letter to Ebenezer Dole, on the occasion of Thacher’s 4th of July Address before the Anti-Masonic State Convention held at Augusta. He is the author of several tracts below. No original copies of any of his pamphlets are for sale at bookfinder.com as of September, 2021.
Anti-Masonic Tract, No. 5. Masonic Obligations Unlawful: As Proved and Substantiated in a Court of Justice on Empannelling the Jury at the Trial of Elihu Mather for a Conspiracy to Kidnap William Morgan, at the Orleans County Court, Nov. 11, 1829. Boston: John Marsh, 1829. 16 pp.
Walgren 3047. "Transcription of truakif 'The People vs. Elihu Mather' for conspiracy, Orleans County, 11 Nov. 1829, before Judge Gardiner."
A record of the trial proceedings at the time of forming the jury in which Masons were rejected due to their supposed obligations to the defendant, and member of their secret society.
Proceedings of the Anti-Masonic Republican Convention of the County of Cayuga, Held at Auburn, January 1, 1830, with their Address to the Farmers and Mechanics of the County. Auburn: Thomas M. Skinner, 1830. 21, [1] pp.
Sabin 65820. Walgren 3358, 7 copies. Cummings p. 61.
5 copies at WorldCat. Last recorded sale, 1910 Merwin-Clayton catalogue of the library of Henry Clay.
Renunciation of Free Masonry. By Hiram B. Hopkins, Esq., Deputy Sheriff of Lockport, N. Y. Boston: John Marsh & Co. 1830. 12 pp. plus 2 pp. catalogue of Anti-Masonic books.
Sabin 32918. Walgren 3303.
Last sale 1980, M. & S. Rare Books cat. 26.
An Oration: delivered, by appointment, on the Fourth Day of July, A. D. 1828, in presence of the Convention of Seceding Free Masons, and a vast concourse of their Fellow-Citizens, at the Presbyterian Church, in the Village of Le Roy, in the County of Genesee, and State of New-York. By Solomon Southwick, President of the Convention, and once a Mark Master Mason. Albany: Webster and Wood, 1828. 81 pp., 3 pp. adverts, including a prospectus for Bernard’s Light on Freemasonry.
Walgren 3009, with many holdings in Masonic libraries. "'More Revelations. We understand, says the Batavia Times, that Solomon Southwick, in his sermon of three hours' length, delivered at the Le Roy 'show' on the 4th, stated most unequivovally that Buonaparte was murdered by Masons!! And that Masonry was the sole cause of introducing sin into the world, in the Garden of Eden!!!! This is a thumper - if the Masons have got to father all the sins that have been committed since Adam and Eve, they will most assuredly have a dreadful account to render at the last day.'" - American Masonic Record and Albany Saturday Magazine, Aug. 2, 1828.
Samson 34. “Very rare…” Cummings p. 69. WorldCat locates 3 copies. Last sale was 1977, Swann Galleries.
A Solemn Warning against Free-Masonry, Addressed to the Young Men of the United States. With an Appendix, Containing the Correspondence between Eliphalet Murdock, of Le Roy, Genesee county, N. Y., and the author, relating to the supposed murder of Mr. Murdoch’s father, through Masonic vengeance, at Rensselaerville, in the county of Albany, in October 1803, - and several other interesting matters. By Solomon Southwick, Editor of the National Observer, Albany. Albany: Printed by Geo. Galpin, Office of the National Observer. 1827. Title woodcut of a woman with two small children weeping over a coffin; in background two men each holding a white cloth with black skull & crossbones. Signed “Genl. Ep. Hoyt” top front. v., [1], [3]-138. Hoyt's manuscript Index has 138 pp., Walgren says 140, so lacking one leaf of the appendix, as Hoyt's copy.
Walgren 2862. "First edition. Title page woodcut of Lucinda Morgan and her two fatherless children weeping over her husband's coffin while being observed by two Masons in skull-and-crossbones aprons. Deposited for copyright 22 October, 1827." Cummings p. 69. Samson 32. “Contains a curious woodcut on title with two Masonic figures.” The last complete and fine copy was from the 1911 Samson sale. A defective copy sold at Heritage Auctions in 2015.
Publication No. I. - Boston, 1833. Letters on the Entered Apprentice’s Oath. By John Quincy Adams, Ex-President of the United States; Demonstrating that The First Step in Masonry is Wrong. Stereotype Edition, Published by the Young Men’s Antimasonic Association for the Diffusion of Truth. 24 pp.
WorldCat note: "Comprising letters addressed to William L. Stone in response to his 1832 defense of Freemasonry, 'Letters on Masonry and anti-Masonry.’"
Walgren 3723. Cummings, p. 5. “These letters written with a strong political and Anti-Masonic bias, had a wide circulation, probably due to the high standing of the author as a citizen. Being a non-Mason, Adams had to depend upon Anti-Masonic writer for his information concerning Masonry, consequently his opinions are not of much value.”
Last sale record is a 1978 M & S Rare Books, Inc. catalogue.
Free-Masonry, in reply to Anti-Masonry, in the American Quarterly Review, for March, 1830. With An Appendix to ‘Free-Masonry,’ in Reply to Anti-Masonry, in Walsh’s Review, for March, 1830. By a Free Republican. Boston: John Marsh & Co. 1830. 40 pp. Lacks 2 pp. of publisher's adverts at end.
Sabin 25805. Walgren 3297. Cummings, p. 7.
“A reply to Robert Walsh's review of Henry Brown's A narrative of the anti-masonick excitement …” - WorldCat.
The last sale record is from a Goodspeed’s catalogue, 1967.
An Address delivered before Montgomery Lodge, in Medway, Mass. at their Regular Communication, April 22, 1829; Also at a subsequent Communication of St. Alban’s Lodge, Wrentham, May 13, 1829. By Moses Thacher, Pastor of the Church at North Wrentham. Boston: Published by Request. 1829. 23 pp.
Walgren 3220 with good representation in Masonic libraries. Preface p. [3]: "'With the Masonic and Anti-Masonic discussion, which has raged for two years past, the writer of the following Address has had, and wishes to have, nothing to do.' The address is, nevertheless, critical of Masonry in many respects. Within two weeks of his second delivery of the address (in Wrentham), Thacher published his renunciation of Masonry." [See our next entry below]. Not in Cummings. WorldCat locates only one copy, AAS.
Last sale record (and there is only one) is from a 1920 Anderson Galleries catalogue.
An Address to the Church and Congregation, under the care of the Author, on his Seceding from The Masonic Institution. Delivered May 24, 1829. By Moses Thacher, Pastor of the Church at North Wrentham. Published by Particular Request. Boston: T. R. Marvin, Printer. 1829. 12 pp.
Sabin 95154. Walgren 3221. "At this meeting, Thacher publically renounced Freemasonry." First state in order as identified by Walgren (of two). Cummings p. 72. “On May 13, 1829, Thacher delivered an address before St. Alban’s Lodge at Wentham, and on May 24th, made a public renunciation of Freemasonry.”
Last sale record is from a 1920 Anderson Galleries catalogue.
Letters addressed to A Brother in the Church, on renouncing The Secret Principles of Freemasonry: In Answer to Three Communications from Him, on the same Subject. By Moses Thacher, Pastor of the Church at North Wrentham. Boston: T. R. Marvin, 1829. 68 pp.
Sabin 95155. Walgren 3222. Cummings p. 73.
Last sale record is from a 1967 Goodspeed catalogue.
The Good Man in Bad Company: or Speculative Freemasonry a Wicked and Dangerous Combination. A Sermon delivered in Belchertown, (Mass.) July 8, 1830. By David Pease, Pastor of the Baptist Church in Conway. With an Appendix, Containing a Brief Narrative of the Author’s Masonic Course, What Influenced him to become a Mason, and the Cause of his Renouncing and Denouncing It, with a passing Notice of some of the False Representations of a Masonic Writer under the Signature of a Royal Arch. Published by Request. Brookfield, [MA]: Printed by E. and G. Merriam. 1831.
Starr P1262. Walgren 3533. "First edition." Cummings p. 58.
Last sale record (and there is only one) is from a 1923 Anderson Galleries catalogue.
Elder David Pease (1783-1878) b. East Windsor, CT; d. Ashfield, MA. He also wrote a genealogy of the Pease family, published in 1869.
Minutes of an Address, delivered before the Anti-Masonic Convention of Reading, Mass. January 15, 1829. Together with a Review of Mr. Knapp’s Defence of Masonry. By Rev. P. Sanborn. Boston: Printed at the Office of the Free Press. 1829. 19 pp.
Sabin 76255. Walgren 3204. Cummings p. 66. WorldCat has one copy, AAS, the rest being modern reprints. The Review is of Samuel Lorenzo Knapp (1783-1838), Genius of Masonry, or a Defence of the Order…
Last sale record is from the 1963 Midland Notes No. 88 Americana catalogue.
Rev. Peter Sanborn (1766-1857) b. Kingston, NH; d. Reading, MA. He graduated at Dartmouth College in 1786, for some 30 years pastor of the Third (now Old South) Church at Reading, Massachusetts. His home in Reading is in the National Register of Historic Places.
Freemasonry, A Covenant with Death: A Discourse, delivered at a Public Meeting in Hornby, Steuben County, June 3, 1828. By Reuben Sanborn, Once a Royal Arch Mason. Published by Request. Bath, N. Y.: Printed by David Rumsey. 1828. 11 pp.
Sabin 76257. Walgren 3002. Cummings p. 66. “A somewhat rare item. Sanborn was a seceding Royal Arch Mason.”
The last sale record is from Americana Rarissima: A Notable Selection of Books, Broadsides, Letters…&c., conducted by The American Art Association, 1921. “Rare Anti-Masonic Pamphlet by a Once Royal Arch Mason published soon after, and on account of the abduction of William Morgan. Not in Sabin.”
Sanborn was one of the Seceding Masons of their Convention held at Le Roy, NY, July 1828.
Evenings by the Fireside; or Thoughts on some of the First Principles of Speculative Free-Masonry. By Amariah Chandler, Pastor of the Congregational church, in Waitsfield, Vt. Danville, Vt.: E. & W. Eaton, Printers. 1829. 24 pp., brown ink splotches on the front.
Walgren 3060. Cummings p. 22.
Last recorded sale is from a dealer catalogue in 1933.
Amariah Chandler, D.D. (1782-1864) b. Deerfield, MA; d. Greenfield, MA. He graduated at the University of Vermont in 1807, and was ordained pastor of the Church in Waitsfield, Vt., in 1810 where he remained for twenty years. Afterwards he preached two years at Hardwick, and was installed over the Church in Greenfield, Mass., in 1832, and died there in pastoral office. “Dr. Chandler was a delegate to the Massachusetts Convention for the Revision of the State Constitution in 1853. He published several sermons and treatises, including A Review of Dr. Willard’s Historical Discourse (1857). His mind was strong and independent; his manners were simple; he was much beloved for his kindness and sociability, and his sermons were solid and impressive.”- M’Clintock & Strong.
Candid Reply to the Address of The Rev. Alfred Ely, Of Monson, Mass. on the Subject of Speculative Free Masonry. By an Impartial Examiner. Boston: John Marsh, 1829. 20 pp.
Walgren 3100. "The MBFM [Massachusetts Grand Lodge Library, Boston, MA] copy has handwritten note: 'by Jas Morton of Milton.'" Cummings p. 8.
This anonymous pamphlet last appeared in a Goodspeed catalogue in 1967.
A reply to Rev. Alfred Ely, who published An Address in relation to the subject of Masonry, delivered to a Church Conference, in which he attempted to reconcile Christianity and Freemasonry.
Free Inquiry Recommended on the Subject of Freemasonry; A Sermon, Preached at Woodstock, Sept. 11, 1829, before a large and respectable number of Citizens, there Convened, and Published at their Request. By Daniel Dow, Pastor of the Church in Thompson. Norwich: Printed by L. Huntington Young, 1829. 20 pp. damp stain in long margin; Hoyt has written in large ink letters across the front, “Messrs Currier & Fogg - Deerfield Mass Publishers of the Sermon, [?] Lyman, Woodstock Conn.”
Walgren 3080, "Although the author appears to be detached, encouraging honest inquiry into the merits of Freemasonry, he quotes from Bernard's Light on Masonry in his Appendix, [16]-20, and concludes: 'I can only observe, at this time, that if Free Masonry be the handmaid of religion, she is most intolerably profane; and if it be a religious institution of any kind, it is altogether different from Christianity.'" Cummings p. 28. WorldCat with 5 locations.
The only sale record is from a 1967 Goodspeed catalogue.
Daniel Dow (1772-1849) b. Ashford, CT; D. Thompson, CT. Dow graduated with honor at Yale in 1793, “studied theology while teaching psalmody for a livelihood, and on 20 April 1796, was ordained pastor of the Congregational Church in Thompson, Conn. His discourses were never written, but were remarkable for their logical arrangement and clear and forcible style.” - Appleton’s Cyclopedia.
Lamentation of Freemasonry; A Poem of Modern Times. By Charles Chisel, Esq. Norwich: L. Huntington Young, Printer. 1829. 24 pp. “Ep. Hoyt” top of front.
Walgren 3061. Cummings p. 23. “Curious.”
Last appeared in a 1966 Parke Bernet auction.
The poem is the voice of Freemasonry describing the claim to antiquity that it knows is false, its rise in power, the death of Morgan - “O cursed MORGAN! to reveal our plan, And give to a babbling world to scan; My bloody rites and mysteries to expose, And all my precious secrets to disclose…What punishment severe enough can be To inflict upon him for his treachery? My trusty sons, indeed, did what the could, The kidnapp’d, tortured him, then took his blood; Then sunk his body in Niagara, Then lied Masonically, to escape the law…” - the persecution felt from the public, and a prediction that Masonry will rise again with the assistance of the Antichrist.