Bonham, J. W. The Great Revival in the Church of England; A Lecture. New York: T. Whittaker, 1875. [5067]
9 x 5 1/2 inches, no wrappers, old stains, edges tattered, 25 pp. Poor. Pamphlet.
Imprint taken from Roberts. No. 588 in Roberts, Revival Literature: An Annotated Bibliography. "An historical lecture on the Evangelical Revival." Roberts must not have seen this item; it is actually a lecture on the revival meetings held in London in 1874.
The pamphlet describes ten days of evangelistic meetings held in Anglican churches in London, commencing February 8th, 1874. It relates the preparations, the preachers, their sermons, and the results.
James William Bonham (1823-1900), Anglican minister; identified within the pamphlet as the evangelist leading the campaign. In other publications his is termed a "Church Missioner" or a "Church Evangelist."