Fowler, Bancroft. An Oration on the Death of Mr. Ebenezer Grant Marsh, Senior Tutor, Hebrew Instructor, and Professor Elect of Languages and Ecclesiastical History, in Yale College, who died on the 16th of November 1803, in the 27th year of his age; Pronounced in the College Chapel on the 10th of January 1804. Hartford: Hudson & Goodwin, 1804. First Edition. [9087]
Removed, first and last leaves detached, historical society stamp on tp, 8 x 5 inches, 13 pp. Good. Pamphlet.
The author mentions Marsh's usefulness in preaching during the revival that swept through Yale, which occurred in 1802.
Ebenezer Grant Marsh (1777-1803), b. & d. at Wethersfield, CT. He was the son of Rev. John Marsh, and was noted as an outstanding young scholar, becoming an undergraduate and graduate instructor in Hebrew at Yale in 1798. He was licensed by the New Haven East Association of Ministers to preach (1801), and was a preacher on campus during the Revival of 1802, the same year in which he was appointed a professorship in Languages and Ecclesiastical History. He died in 1803 from "acute complications from cancer." - Columbia University Libraries, Marsh Family manuscripts description.