BIBLIA SACRA Vulgatæ Editionis, Sixti V. Pontificis Max. Jussu Recognita, et Clementis VIII. Auctoritate edita; Versiculis Distincta, Ed ad singula Capita Argumentis aucta; Pluribusque Imagnibus, ad Historiarum notitiam politissime elaboratis, ornata; Indiceque Epistolarum, & Evangeliorum locupletata. Venitiis: Nicolaum Pezzana, 1732. [9315]
Full leather binding in very good condition, 21.8 x 14 cm (8 1/2 x 5 1/2 inches), joints fine, thin chip at head of spine, 5 gilt-decorated panels, title panel in brown leather & gilt. Lacks the ffep; begins at extra engraved title page. "Fr. Joseph Adams" contemporary signature bottom of front paste-down, several words in ink on paste-down and at the bottom of the engraved tp. [20], 964, [52], title page in red & black, generally bright and clean pp., some scattered finger marks. Very good.
An exceptionally nice Vulgate Bible with woodcut illustrations throughout the text.
Contains Præfatio ad Lectorem; the statement by Pope Clement VIII; List of canonical scriptures by the Council of Trent, Introductions by St. Jerome; the complete Scripture text; appended with 3 & 4 Esdras; and several indices.