November 2023 Booklist, Presbyterian Focus
Today's selection of books is primarily Presbyterian, with a few additional titles from the American Tract Society in this first large group. Most of the books were published 1838-1845. It is an interesting lot, showing the gradual acceptance by the Presbyterians of the Anglican & Episcopal churches (by publishing their authors), and the growing concern over the emerging Roman Catholic church in the United States. There was a great surge of German Catholic emigration to the United States between the years 1830 and 1845 and many people considered Catholicism to be antithetical to American liberties.
This first group also includes a scarce run of newsletters from the Presbyterian US mission in Shanghai; The Life of Rev. Elisha Macurdy, with Revivals in Western Pennsylvania; and a scarce title refuting Charles Finney and the New School Divines, Chauncey Webster's The Nature and Instrument of Regeneration.
The second group is a small collection of material relating to Canada, including the rare account of the Swiss Mission among the Roman Catholics at Grande Ligne of Acadie, Lower Canada. Published in New York, it tells of the burning of their properties and the beating of their missionary, and of mobs invading the places of worship.
The last small group below includes some stacks of Bible commentaries that have come in, and are being sold in lots.
Abbott, Jacob. The Young Christian: or A Familiar Illustration of the Principles of Christian Duty. New-York: American Tract Society, ca. 1848. [9638]
Adam, Thomas. Private Thoughts on Religion and other subjects connected with it; With a Sketch of his Life and Character. Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1843. [9673]
Alexander, Archibald. A Brief Compend of Bible Truth. Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1846. [9731]
Anderson, Emma Dean; Campbell, Mary Jane. In the Shadow of the Himalayas: A historical narrative of the Missions of the United Presbyterian Church of North America as conducted in the Punjab, India, 1855-1940. Philadelphia: The United Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions, 1942. First Edition, Second Printing. [9739]
Atwater, Lyman H.; Smith, Henry B. [editors]. The Presbyterian Quarterly and Princeton Review. New Series Vol. V. New York: J. M. Sherwood, 1876. [4498]
[Bonar, Andrew A.; M'Cheyne, Robt. Murray]. Narrative of a Mission of Inquiry to The Jews from The Church of Scotland in 1839. Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Publication, (1843). Third Edition. [9644]
Brooks, Thomas. The Mute Christian under the Smarting Rod; with Sovereign Antidotes for every Case. Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1839. [9672]
Campbell, John. Voyages to and from the Cape of Good Hope; with an Account of A Journey into the Interior of South Africa; Intended for the Young. Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1840. First American Edition. [9646]
Charnock, Stephen. The Doctrine of Regeneration, selected from the writings of the Rev. Stephen Charnock, B. D. Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1840. [9647]
Christian Biography: The Life of the Rev. John Brown, of Haddington, Scotland; Revised and Enlarged. New York: John P. Haven, Am. Tract House, 142 Nassau Street, 1830. [9724]
Cobbin, Ingram. The Book of Popery: A Manual for Protestants; descriptive of The Origin, Progress, Doctrines, Rites, and Ceremonies of The Papal Church. Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1842. [9720]
Dickinson, Jonathan. Familiar Letters to a Gentleman, upon a variety of Seasonable and Important Subjects in Religion. Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1841. [9659]
Doddridge, Philip. The Life of Col. James Gardiner, who was Slain at the Battle of Prestonpans, September 21, 1745. Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Publication, ca. 1850. [9682]
Edwards, Jonathan. A History of the Work of Redemption; comprising An Outline of Church History. New-York: The American Tract Society, ca. 1845. [9737]
Elliott, David. The Life of the Rev. Elisha Macurdy: with an Appendix containing brief Notices of various Deceased Ministers of the Presbyterian Church in Western Pennsylvania. Allegheny & Philadelphia: Kennedy & Brother | William S. Martien, 1848. First Edition. [9661]
The Form of Government, the Discipline, and the Directory for Worship, of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America. Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1840. [9651]
Foreman, Kenneth J. God's Will and Ours: An Introduction to the Problem of Freedom, Foreordination and Faith. Richmond: Outlook Publishers, 1954. First Edition. [9744]
Fowler, P. H.; Mears, J. W. Historical Sketch of Presbyterianism within the bounds of the Synod of Central New York bound with The Presbyterian Element in our National Life and History: An Address delivered before the Synod of Central New York at Watertown, October 18th, 1876. Utica, NY: Curtiss & Childs, 1877. First Edition. [4443]
Gaussen, L. The Prophet Daniel, considered in a Series of Lessons, for a Sunday-School; Translated from the French. Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Publication, ca. 1850. [9738]
[Grierson, Margaret]. Labourers in the East; or Memoirs of Eminent Men who were devoted to the Service of Christ in India: containing abridged Biographies of the Rev. Dr. Buchanan, Rev. Henry Martyn, and Rev. David Brown. Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1840. First American Edition. [9656]
Griffith, John. Life of Capt. James Wilson, containing an Account of his Residence in India; His Conversion to Christianity; His Missionary Voyage to the South Seas, and his peaceful Death; Abridged from the Memoir by Rev. John Griffith. Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1840. [9660]
Halyburton, Thomas. The Great Concern of Salvation: In two parts. Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1839. [9665]
History of Grace Presbyterian Church of Kittanning, Pa. 1806 to 1976. Kitanning?: The Church, ca. 1976. No imprint. [9756]
A History of the Westminster Assembly of Divines, embracing an Account of its principal Transactions, and Biographical Sketches of its Most Conspicuous Members; Compiled for the Board of Publication from the best Authorities. Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1841. [9645]
Hodge, Charles; Miller, Samuel; et al. The Spruce Street Lectures: by several Clergyman, Delivered during the years 1831-2. To which is added, A Sermon on the Atonement, by John D. Witt, D.D. originally published in the Murray Street Lectures. Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1841. [9671]
Janeway, J. J. The Internal Evidence of The Holy Bible or The Bible Proved from its own Pages to be A Divine Revelation. Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1845. [9648]
Janeway, James. The Saint's Encouragement to Diligence in Christ's Service. Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1840. [9666]
Kieffer, W. T. Linn. A History of The First Presbyterian Church of Milton, Pennsylvania, 1811-1936. NP: (1936). [9742]
The Larger Catechism of the Westminster Assembly, with Proofs from the Scriptures. Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1841. [9677]
Life of Philip Melancthon, the German Reformer. Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1841. [9649]
The Life of Rev, James Hervey, M.A., Rector of Weston-Favel & The Life of the Rev. Augustus M. Toplady, Vicar of Broad-Hembury; Spine title: Hervey and Toplady. Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1841. [9652]
Life of Ulricus Zuinglius, the Swiss Reformer; with a Biographical Sketch of John Œcolampadius. Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1841. [9642]
Lindsley, Aaron L. National Righteousness and National Sin: The Substance of a Discourse delivered in The Presbyterian Church of South Salem, Westchester Co., N. Y., November 20, 1856. New York: Printed by Edward O. Jenkins, 1857. [9730] Greed & Slavery.
Lorimer, John G. An Historical Sketch of the Protestant Church of France, from its Origin to the present Times: with parallel notices of the Church of Scotland during the same period. Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1842. [9640]
Lowrie, John C. Travels in North India: containing Notices of the Hindus; Journals of a Voyage on the Ganges and a Tour to Lahor; Notes on the Himalaya Mountains and the Hill Tribes; Including a Sketch of Missionary Undertakings. Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1842. [9670]
Lucas, J. J. Memoir of Rev. Robert Stewart Fullerton, American Presbyterian Missionary in North India, 1850-1865 [SIGNED]; Compiled from his Letters during fifteen years in India, and his Narratives of the trials, faith and constancy of Indian Christians during the Mutiny of 1857. Allahabad: The Christian Literature Society, U. P. Branch | Printed at The Wesleyan Mission Press, Mysore City, 1928. First Edition. [9716]
McEwing, Barbara Y. The Witness of Market Street; Cover title adds: A History of First and Central Presbyterian Church, 1737-1975. Wilmington?: Np, ca. 1975. No imprint. [9748]
Maclaren, William. The Romish Doctrine of the Rule of Faith Examined: A Lecture Delivered at the Close of the Session of the Presbyterian College, Montreal, On the 4th April, 1872; With an Appendix, In which certain Statements of Rev. Father Damen, and Rev. Dr. O'Connor, are considered. Ottawa: Henderson & Co., Booksellers, 1872. First Edition. [9728].
McCrie, Thomas. Life of John Knox, the Scottish Reformer; Abridged from McCrie's Life of Knox. Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1839. [9679]
Mead, Matthew. The Almost Christian Discovered; or the False Professor Tried and Cast. Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1843. [9654]
Meloy, W. T. Lucile Vernon; or, The Church at Lansington. Chicago & New York: Fleming H. Revell, (1889). [4359]
Miller, Samuel. An Essay on the Warrant, Nature, and Duties of the office of The Ruling Elder, in the Presbyterian Church. Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1840. [9653]
Miller, Samuel. Letters on the Observance of the Monthly Concert in Prayer: addressed to the Members of the Presbyterian Church in the United States. Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Publication, (1845). [9668]
Miller, Samuel. Memoir of the Rev. John Rodgers, D.D., Late Pastor of the Wall-Street and Brick Churches, in the City of New York. Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1840. [9650]
Morris, Edward D. Theology of The Westminster Symbols: A Commentary, Historical, Doctrinal, Practical, on the Confession of Faith and Catechisms of the Presbyterian Churches. Cincinnati, Ohio: The Faculty of Lane Seminary, 1911. Second Edition with Doctrinal Preface. [9757]
Morrison, William McCutchan; Pruitt, Virginia Gray & Vass, Winifred Kellersberger [Editors & Compilers]. A Textbook of the Tshiluba Language: Based on the original Grammar of the Buluba-Lulua Language, Exercise Book of the Buluba-Lulua Grammar, Dictionary of the Tshiluba Language, by Dr. William McCutchin Morrison. Luebo, Democratic Republic of the Congo: The J. Leighton Wilson Press, American Presbyterian Congo Mission, 1965. Revised Edition. [9743]
Morton, Katherine A.; Dubois, William R. A Century of Service: First Presbyterian Church, Cheyenne, Wyoming 1869-1969. [9740]
Narratives of Revivals of Religion in Scotland, Ireland, and Wales. Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1842. [9713]
Niven, Archibald C. [editor]. The Centennial Memorial, a Record of the Proceedings on the occasion of the Celebration of the One Hundredth Anniversary of the A. R. Presbyterian Church, of Little Britain, N. Y. New York: Robert Carter & Brothers, 1859. [9711]
Noel, B. W.; Cunningham, J. W.; et al. Lectures on the Points of Controversy between Romanists and Protestants. Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1840. [9639]. A second copy here.
The Novelty of Popery, and the Antiquity of the Religion of Protestants, proved by Scripture and History. Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1840. [9662]
Owen, John. The Nature, Power, Deceit and Prevalency of Indwelling Sin in Believers. Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1842. [9674]
The Patriarchs. Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1840. [9664]
Pike, J. G. A Guide for Young Disciples of the Holy Savior, in their Way to Immortality; Being a Sequel to Early Piety. New-York: American Tract Society, ca. 1845. [9736]
Presbyterian Mission Press, Bulu Language New Testament: MEVA'A FOE MVAME ZAMBE; Mejo me Zambe ataté Kalate Paul a nga tili bote ya Rome akekui Nkulane Mam Jean a nga su'ulane yen. Cameroun: Mission Presbyterienne Americaine, 1957. [9741]
Reformation Principles Exhibited: being the Declaration and Testimony of the Reformed Presbyterian Church in North America. New York: Lee, Shepard and Dillingham, 1871. Sixth Edition. [9735]
Russell, David; Boardman, Henry A. Letters, Practical and Consolatory; designed to illustrate the Nature and Tendency of the Gospel (2 vols); From the Fourth Edinburgh Edition, with an Introductory Essay by the Rev. Henry A. Boardman, Philadelphia. Philadelphia: W. Marshall, & Co., 1836. [9643]
Sanders, Taylor. A Journey in Faith: The History of Timber Ridge Presbyterian Church. Lexington, Virginia: Timber Ridge Presbyterian Church, 1999. First Edition. [9733]
Sargent, John. A Memoir of Rev. Henry Martyn, B. D., Late Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge, and Chaplain to the Honorable East India Company. New-York: American Tract Society, c. 1845. From the Tenth London Edition, corrected and enlarged. [9681]
Scott, Thomas; Miller, Samuel. The Force of Truth: an Authentic Narrative; With a Recommendatory Letter, By Rev. Samuel Miller, D. D.; to which are added, Eight Letters Addressed to Dr. Scott, by Rev. John Newton. Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1841. [9663]
[Seeley, Robert Benton]. Essays on Romanism. Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1841. First American Edition. [4827]
Segelken, C. Benjamin; Zeigler, J. L. The Donegal Presbyterian Church (Founded Prior to 1721) Church Services Held as Early as 1714: East Donegal Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania; The Donegal People: Their History, and Other Historical Documents. Harrisburg, Pa: The Evangelical Press, 1935. First Edition. [9734]
Shepherd, William. Memoir of the Last Illness and Death of William Tharp Buchanan, Esq., of Ilfracombe. Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1840. [9667]
Sibbes, Richard. The Soul's Conflict and Victory over itself by Faith. Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1842. [9641]
Smith, H. Maxcy; Little, Lacy LeGrand. 71 Issues, March, 1933 - December, 1940. China Mission News Letter, Presbyterian Church in the U.S. Shanghai, China: Presbyterian Church In the U.S. China Mission, 1933-1940. First Editions. [9762]
Stevenson, George; Plumer, William S. The Offices of Christ: Abridged from the original work of the Rev. George Stevenson; By William S. Plumer, D. D. Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1840. [9669]
Webster, C. The Nature and Instrument of Regeneration. Philadelphia: J. Whetham & Son, 1843. First Edition. [9655]. A refutation of the Arminians, Hopkinsians, Charles Finney, and New School Divines on the subject of Regeneration.
Wharey, James. Sketches of Church History: comprising a Regular Series of the most Important and Interesting Events in the History of the Church, from the Birth of Christ to the Nineteenth Century. Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1840. [9719]
Wilson, Warren H. The Second Missionary Adventure: The Missionary Address, Oberlin College, June 13, 1915. New York &c.: Fleming H. Revell Company, 1915. First Edition. [9715]. Home missionary work.
Ballantyne, W. D. [editor]. The Presbyterian Year Book for the Dominion of Canada and Newfoundland, 1895. Toronto: Presbyterian Printing and Publishing Co., LTD, 1895. First Edition. [9723]
Cameron, James [editor]. The Presbyterian Year Book for the Dominion of Canada and Newfoundland, 1877. Toronto: C. Blackett Robinson, 1877. First Edition. [9721]
Cameron, James [editor]. The Presbyterian Year Book for the Dominion of Canada and Newfoundland, 1879. Toronto: C. Blackett Robinson, 1879. First Edition. [9722]
The Canadian Miscellany; or, The Religious, Literary & Statistical Intelligencer. No. 1, Vol. 1. Montreal: Printed at the Herald Office, 1828. First Edition. [9686]
Dawson, J. W. A Hand Book of the Geography and Natural History of the Province of Nova Scotia for the use of Schools, Families, and Travellers. Pictou: James Dawson & Son, 1852. Third Edition, Revised and Enlarged. [9712]
Extracts from the Minutes of the United Synod, of the Presbyterian Church of Upper Canada, at their Meeting held in Toronto, Wednesday, June 29, 1836, and continued by adjournment; Published by Order of the Synod. Brockville: Printed by William Buell, 1836. First Edition. [9718]
Gregg, William. Short History of the Presbyterian Church in the Dominion of Canada, from the Earliest Times. Toronto: Printed for the Author, 1892. [9732]
The Journal of the French Canadian Missionary Society, July, 1872. No. 1. Montreal: John C. Becket, Printer, 1872. [9688]
McNeill, John Thomas. The Presbyterian Church in Canada 1875-1925; With Introduction by Clarence Mackinnon. Toronto: General Board, Presbyterian Church in Canada, 1925. [9750]
Taylor, Hon. Thomas Wardlaw. The Public Statutes relating to the Presbyterian Church in Canada: with Acts and Resolutions of the General Assembly, and By-Laws for the Government of the Colleges and Schemes of the Church. Winnipeg: Hart & Company, Limited, 1897. Second Edition. [9725]
[Wilder, Sampson Vryling Stoddard]. Circular respecting The Swiss Mission among the Roman Catholics at Grande Ligne of Acadie, Lower Canada. New-York: Printed by G. P. Scott, 1839. First Edition. [9687]
9 volumes of The Layman's Bible Commentary (hardcover). Atlanta: John Knox Press, ca. 1964. [9761]
13 volumes of The Layman's Bible Commentary. Atlanta: John Knox Press. [9760]
Erdman, Charles R. 12 volumes, Exposition of the New Testament. Philadelphia: The Westminster Press, 1946. First Edition. [9759]
Jordan, John Wolf; Repsher, Donald R. Memories of Old Nazareth: Stories of a German-American Moravian Village, 1740-1860. Nazareth, PA: Jacobsburg Historical Society, 1997. First Edition. [9755]
Murray, Lindley; Bartlett, M. R. The English Reader, or, Pieces in Prose and Verse, Selected from the Best Writers...With A Key. Utica, [NY]: William Williams, 1823. [9685]
Nauman, St. Elmo [editor]. Exorcism Through the Ages. New York: Philosophical Library, 1974. [9754]
Peters, Ted. UFOs - God's Chariots? Flying Saucers in Politics, Science, and Religion. Atlanta: John Knox Press, 1977. First Edition. [9751]
Ruttenber, E. M.; Clark, L. H. History of Orange County, New York, with Illustrations and Biographical Sketches of many of its Pioneers and Prominent Men; Cover title: History of Orange County, New York, with Illustrations: 1683-1881. Interlakin, NY: Heart of the Lakes Publishing, 1980. [9683]
Thank you for taking the time to look through the list and we hope you found a book or two to add to your collection.
Steve & Susan