March 2022 ~ Missions & Missionaries Catalogue
Here is a list of missionary books in stock, grouped by country, state, or region. Also, there is a list of early periodicals that contain missionary news, and a couple of reference/general items. Because this list is longer than normal, we added the prices to the line to speed things up for you as you search.
ALASKAAdventures in Alaska (1919). $25
Arctic Bush Mission: The experiences of a missionary Bush Pilot in the Far North. $20
The Presbyterian Church in Alaska, 1877-1884. $65
Out of the Wilderness, Home Missions in the Southern States (1925). $45
A Church on Wheels or Ten Years on a Chapel Car (1906). $32.50
The Home Missionary, August, 1857. $45
The Home Missionary, November, 1858. $45
Looking Back from the Sunset Land or People Worth Knowing (1898). $150
A Life for Africa: Rev. Adolphus Clemens Good, Ph.D., American Missionary in Equatorial Africa (1897). $45
Kalata Zambe Nnom Ba Mfefe [Bible in Bulu]. $45
Beginning Cantonese (Rewritten): Part One (Chinese). (1927). $600
Bits of China: from the Life of Nettie Dubose Junkin. $45
Blossoms from the Flowery Kingdom (1944) $15
[China, Boxer Rebellion] Under Marching Orders: A Story of Mary Porter Gamewell $25
China's Wonderful Reviving (1936). $65
Chinese Lanterns. 1924 Missionary Life in China. $25
Christian Witness in Communist China (1951) $25
The Development of Education in Chefoo (1865-1945) $65
Ears to Hear, Lessons from the China Mission. Tracts for the Times No. 1. $65
The Fire Burns On: China Inland Mission Anthology 1865-1965. $25
A Guide to Wenli Styles and Chinese Ideals, Essays, Edicts (1912). $65
Jesus the Missionary (Shanghai Mission Press imprint) 1914 $200
Ming-Kwong: "City of the Morning Light" (1924). $25
Minutes of the Mid-China Mission of the Presbyterian Church in the United States 1912-1926. $3,000
Minutes of the Mid-China Mission of the Presbyterian Church in the United States 1914-1923. $2,000
The Mid-China Mission, Presbyterian Church in the United States, 1940-1941 MINUTES. $200
Mook: True Tales About a Chinese Boy and His Friends (1918). $30
Resting in God's Faithfulness during Twenty Three Days among Pirates. Address given by Miss Marie Monsen at Peitaiho Conference, July 29, 1929. $200
Sacred Places in China. (1911). $135
The Time of Our Lives in China, 1940-1948. $32.50
The Young China Hunters: A Trip to China by a Class of Juniors in 1912. $45
Bifufu Bia Bampasta Ne Bakulu [Tshiluba Book of Church Order] 1920. $200
Buluba-Lulua Exercise Book (1912) copy 1. $600
Buluba-Lulua Exercise Book (1912) copy 2. $600
Camp Fires in the Congo (1936) $25
Congo Crosses: A Study of Congo Womanhood (1936). $25
Constitution and By-Laws of the American Presbyterian Congo Mission (1922) $300
Dictionary of the Tshiluba Language (Sometimes known as the Buluba-Lulua, or Luba-Lulua). $200
DIHUNGILA DIHIADIHIA, Luba-Lulua Testament owned by medical missionary Dr. Eugene Kellersberger. $200
Exercise Book on Buluba-Lulua Grammar [Rev. J. Hershey Longnecker's copy]. $200
Floods on Dry Ground: Revival in the Congo (1939). $32.50
Grammar and Dictionary of the Buluba-Lulua Language as Spoken in the Upper Kasai and Congo Basin. (1906). $600
The Life of George Grenfell, Congo Missionary and Explorer (1909). $35
Dr. Henry of Assiut: Pioneer Medical Missionary in Egypt $45
"A Wind from the Holy Spirit" in Sweden and Norway (1885). $75
In the Track of the Storm A Report of a Visit to France and Belgium with Observations of Religious Reconstruction in Regions Devastated by World War. (1919). $20
Under Five Flags: Experiences of the Friedemanns, Missionaries to Central Europe. (1940). $22.50
Na Himeni Hoolea. He mau mele ma ka uhane, e hoolea ai na kanaka, na keiki, na ohana, na kula, na ekalesia, ia Iehova, ke Akua e ola'i. [Hawaiian Hymnal, 1839] $4500
1907-1913 Reports of the Punjab Mission of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America. $750
1936 Centennial, North India Mission, Presbyterian Church of the USA. $45
A Father to the Poor: Dr. Samuel Martin, Missionary in India. $32.50
The Journal and Selected Letters of William Carey. $20
Historical Sketches of the India Missions of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America (1886). $65
One Hundred Years of Christian Work of the North India Mission of the Presbyterian Church, U. S. A. $45
Memoir of Rev. Robert Stewart Fullerton, American Presbyterian Missionary in North India, 1850-1865. $65
People Movements in the Punjab $32.50
The Psychology of a Suppressed People (1937). $65
Zabu'r aur Git: isaion ki ibadat ke liye. [Indian Hymnal, 1842] $3,000
Dux Christus: An Outline Study of Japan (1904). $25
The Honorable Japanese Fan 1923. $22.50
The Japan Christian Quarterly, Spring 1936. $65
[Japanese Hymnal] Hymns of Songs and Praise. Prepared by a Committee, 1888. $300
Kinjo College : Seventy Years 1889 ~ 1959 [Presbyterian Mission School]. $32.50
The Letters of Thomas Clay Winn, 1878-1908. $65
Memories 1969 Seiwa girls' high school [Presbyterian mission school, Kochi, Japan] $200
On the Threshold of the Closed Empire: Mid-19th Century Missions in Okinawa. $18.50
Protestant Beginnings in Japan: The First Three Decades, 1859-1889. $22.50
The Woman and the Leaven in Japan (1923) $25
Working Women of Japan (1915). $25
The Romance of Language [Bantu Language Studies] $25
Adventures in Revival (1953). $45
History of the Korean Mission Presbyterian Church in the U. S. A. Volume II. 1935-1959. $65
The Life and Times of Florence Elizabeth Root. $35
Over the Mountain, Across the Water: Autobiography of a Christian from North Korea. $65
To Start A Work: The Foundations of Protestant Mission in Korea (1884-1919). $200
On Africa's Lands: The Forgotten Stories of Two Lincoln Educated Missionaries in Liberia. $95
Account of the Baptist Missionary Society (1809); The Quarterly Review, February 1809. $30
The Christian Magazine; or, Evangelical Repository for 1799. $250
The Christian Magazine; or, Evangelical Repository for 1801. $250
The Christian Magazine; or, Evangelical Repository for 1803. $250
The Connecticut Evangelical Magazine, Volume I. (1800-1801). $95
The Connecticut Evangelical Magazine, vol. III. 1802-1803. $95
The Connecticut Evangelical Magazine, Volume V. (1804-1805). $95
The Connecticut Evangelical Magazine; and Religious Intelligencer. Vol. VIII (1815). $95
The Evangelical Magazine and Missionary Chronicle. 1822. $75
The Evangelical Magazine and Missionary Chronicle 1830. $75
The Evangelical Magazine and Missionary Chronicle 1832. $75
The Evangelical Magazine and Missionary Chronicle. 1841. $75
The Home Missionary, and American Pastor's Journal. Vol. II. & III, 1830-1831. $225
The Home Missionary, and American Pastor's Journal. Vol. VI., VII., VIII. 1833-1836. $350
The Latter Day Luminary : Vol. II. & III. February 1820 - November 1822. $850
The Panoplist, and Missionary Magazine. For the year ending June 1, 1813. $65
The Presbyterian Magazine: A Monthly Publication. Vol. I. 1821. $250
The Presbyterian Magazine: A Monthly Publication. Vol. II. 1822. $250
The Religious Intelligencer for the year ending May, 1818. $150
The Religious Intelligencer for the year ending May, 1819. $150
The Religious Intelligencer for the year ending May, 1821. $150
The Religious Intelligencer for the year ending May, 1822. $150
The Religious Intelligencer for the year ending May, 1823. $150
The Religious Intelligencer for the year ending May, 1824. $150
The Religious Intelligencer for the year ending May, 1825. $150
The Religious Intelligencer for the year ending May, 1826. $150
The Religious Intelligencer for the year commencing June, 1834. $150
The Story of Mollie Malone; or, Brands from the Burning (1918 NYC Tenement Missions) $35
Sixty Years of Home Missions in the Presbyterian Synod of North Carolina. (1948). $25
The Coming of the White Women, 1836: As told in the Letters and Journal of Narcissa Prentiss Whitman. $45
Marcus Whitman, Crusader: Part One, 1802 to 1839; Part Two 1839-1843; Part Three 1843-1847. (Overland to the Pacific series) 3 volume set. $125
Marcus Whitman: Pathfinder and Patriot (1909). $25
Ten Years in Oregon (1844). Includes complete map. $135
Waiilatpu, Its Rise and Fall, 1836-1847: A Story of Pioneer Days in the Pacific Northwest (1915). $25
Winning the Oregon Territory (1912). $65
A Sermon preached...before the London Society for Promoting Christianity amongst the Jews (1815). $65
Going to Jerusalem. (1935) $20
Evangelical Christianity in the Philippines (1931). $65
In God's Hands and I Will Follow: Two Biographies, Father and Son. $35
The Centennial of the Western Foreign Missionary Society, 1831-1931. $45
Directory of Foreign Missions: Missionary Boards, Societies, Colleges &c. (1933). $65
The Influence of Missions on People and Nations; [1854 Nashville imprint] $25
Martzinkovski, Vladimir Ph. With Christ in Soviet Russia. $42.50
Road to Revival: The Story of the Ruanda Mission (1946). $32.50
Bridging Cultures and Hemispheres: The Legacy of Archibald Reekie and Canadian Baptists in Bolivia. $17.50
Face of a Church: A Nascent Church of the People in Crateus, Brazil. $32.50
History of the William Taylor Self-Supporting Missions in South America. $25
Three-Cornered Continent (1935). $30
[Association copy, John Polglase, missionary to Fiji] The Great Commission or The Christian Church Constituted and Charged to Convey the Gospel to the World (1842). $300
Cadet Stephen [Fiji & China]. 1930. 22.50
Church Growth in the Central Highlands of West New Guinea [SIGNED] $35
Great Is Thy Faithfulness: Marvellous Experiences of a Missionary Pioneer to Sumatra, Netherland, East Indies. (1947). $45
The History of the Melanesian Mission. $45
Missions in the Tonga and Feejee Islands, as described in the Journals of Rev. Walter Lawry (1852). $95
EL-KALAM-EL'ARABI ED-DARIJ IN SYRIA [Colloquial Speech in Syria] 1920. $200
Memoir of Mrs. Sarah L. Huntington Smith, Late of the American Mission in Syria (1845). $32.50
Moslem Women [signed by Zwemer] 1926 $25
Lao First Reader. Chiang Mai, [Thailand] 1897. $600
Phrase Book, English-Thai. (1945). $32.50
Constantinople and Its Problems: Its Peoples, Customs, Religions and Progress (1901). $65
North and East of Musa Dagh (Zwemer, 1940). $65
The Romance of Missions or Inside Views of Life and Labor, in the Land of Ararat (1875). $200
What Next in Turkey: Glimpses of the American Board's Work in the Near East. (1913). $45
Young Men of Turkey (2 issues, November & December 1920) YMCA in Constantinople. $135
The Holy Spirit in Viet Nam. $19.50
A Pioneer Missionary; The Right Reverend Lemuel H. Wells, Missionary Bishop of Spokane. $25
Crowned in Palm-Land: A Story of African Mission Life; With Illustrations. (1874). $95
The Drum Call: July, 1966 [West Africa Presbyterian Missions Ephemera] $65
George Paull, of Benita, West Africa (1872). $45
The Jungle Folk of Africa (1908) $25
Thank you for taking the time to read through this list! We hope you found a few books for your collection!
Steve & Susan
Haaswurth Books