Hymnals & Music ~ Haaswurth Books February, 2023
We have selected some of the better items from our Hymnals & Music catalogue to showcase here. In almost every case we did not find another copy for sale when we catalogued the item. We have carefully examined every book and have noted all found defects.
The number in [brackets] at the end of each listing is a link to the item in our catalogue.
This list is in alphabetical order. It includes hymnals, shape and round note tunebooks, and a few pieces of ephemera.
Allebach, J. C.; Hunsberger, I. R. The Temple Harp: being a very Choice Collection of Sacred Music, comprising the Most Popular Psalm and Hymn Tunes, Anthems, &c. Ever Issued from the Press; in J. B. Aikin's Seven Figured or Character Notes; Including a New and Thorough Course of Instruction in the Elementary Principles of Musical Science. Designed for the use of Choirs, Singing Schools and Singing Societies. Philadelphia: S. C. Collins, (1872). [8849] $300
Andrews, David W. The Pilgrim's Choice, A Selection of Hymns and Spiritual Songs, lately compiled from various Authors: designed for the use of Conference Meeting, Private Circles and Congregations. .Jacksonville, Ala.: J. F. Grant, Printer, 1843. First Edition. [8893] $200. A defective & poor copy of a rare hymnal.
Atwill, Thomas H. The New-York Collection of Sacred Harmony, containing The necessary Rules of Music with a variety of Psalm & Hymn Tunes set Pieces & Anthems, Many of which are Original: Compiled for the use of Worshipping Assemblies & Singing Societies, From the most approved Ancient & Modern Authors. Albany: Printed by the Author, (ca. 1803). [8981] $300
Auld, Alexander. The Farmers' and Mechanics' Minstrel of Sacred Music; containing a Choice Selection of Tunes, Anthems, Etc., from the best American and Foreign Authors of Church Music; Also, a few Appropriate Moral Songs, for the Use of Temperance Societies, Schools, Academies, Orchestras, Etc. Deersville, O.: Published by the Author, 1866. [8846] $300
Auld, Alexander. The Ohio Harmonist; A Collection of Psalm and Hymn Tunes, from the best Authors: to which is added A Supplement of Temperance Songs; for the use of Congregations, Singing Schools, Temperance Meetings, and Musical Associations; consisting of Three Parts: Parts I. and III. containing the Seven Syllables, in Patent Notes. Part II. contains the Four Syllables, in Patent Notes. Also, containing The Rudiments of Music, on a Plain and Concise Plan. Washington, Ohio: A. Auld and Joshua Martin, 1846. First Edition. [8834] $600
Banvard, Joseph. The Christian Melodist: A New Collection of Hymns for Social Religious Worship. Boston: John Putnam, 1849. [8935] $65
The Baptist Harp: A New Collection of Hymns for the Closet, the Family, Social Worship, and Revivals. Philadelphia: American Baptist Publication Society, (1849). First Edition. [8952] $65
Benham, Asahel. Social Harmony: containing, First, The Rudiments of Psalmody made easy. Second, A Collection of Modern Music, calculated for the use of Singing Schools and Worshipping Assemblies; By Asahel Benham, Author of Federal Harmony. Published according to Act of Congress, [1801]. First Edition, Second Issue. [8984] $400
Buck, William C. The Baptist Hymn Book: Original and Selected. In two Parts. The first part is intended especially for public worship, and is judiciously arranged under appropriate heads, Doctrinal, Practical, and Experimental. With an Index, a Table of Contents, and a Table of Scripture References. The second part is intended for social worship, and is similarly arranged, &c. Published for the use of the Southern and Western Baptist Churches. Revised and Enlarged. Louisville, [KY]: Printed by Monsarrat & Co., 1847. [8625] $200
Burdett, Staunton S. The Baptist Harmony; being A Selection of Choice Hymns and Spiritual Songs for Social Worship. Philadelphia: E. W. Miller, 1842. Stereotype Edition. [8954] (South Carolina compiler) $200
Carden, Allen D. The Missouri Harmony; or a Collection of Psalm and Hymn Tunes, and Anthems, from eminent Authors: With an Introduction to the Grounds and Rudiments of Music... Cincinnati: unknown, unknown. [8830] Defective and lacking title page. $95
Carden, A. D.; Rogers, S. J.; Moore, F.; Green, J. The Western Harmony, or, The Learner's Task Made Easy: containing A Choice Collection of Tunes for Church Service, some them entirely new, Suited to the various Metres in Watts' Hymns & Songs, & The Methodist and Baptist Hymn Books, to which is added A few of the most approved Anthems; Selected by A. D. Carden, S. J. Rogers, F. Moore, and J. Green. Nashville: Published and Sold by Allen D. Carden and Samuel J. Rogers, and for sale at the Bookstores..in the Principal Towns in Tennessee, Kentucky and Alabama. Republican Office - Carey A. Harris, Printer, College Street, Nashville, 1824. First Edition. [8779] $2500
Clayton, David L.; Carrell, James P. The Virginia Harmony, A New and Choice Selection of Psalm & Hymn Tunes, Anthems & Set Pieces, in Three and Four Parts, some of which have never before been published; Prepared for the Use of Singing Societies, Teachers of Sacred Music, and Individual Instruction. To which is Prefixed, An Introduction Explanatory of the System, and A Series of Progressive Lessons. Winchester: Printed by Robinson & Hollis, 1836. Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged, by D. L. Clayton. [8676] $600
Cole, I. P. [compiler]. Cole's Pocket Edition of Psalm and Hymn Tunes, containing Most of the Tunes used in the Different Churches. (copy-right secured). Albany: I. P. Cole, (1836). Sixth Edition. [8980] $300
Cole, John. Union Harmony; or, Music Made Easy: A New and Pleasing Selection of Psalm and Hymn Tunes, A Great Part of Which are Entirely New. Baltimore: Published and Sold by William & Joseph Neal, and John Cole. | J. Robinson, printer, (1829). First Edition. [8839] $600
Couch, William. A Collection of Hymns for the use of the Merry Christian, and for the Comforting of Mourners in Zion. Andover, N. H.: Printed by Ebenezer Chase, for the Compiler, 1819. First Edition. [8971] $400
Crane, John. A Discourse, delivered at Upton, March 15, 1810, at Grafton, April 12, 1810, and at Sutton, (N. P.) March 13, 1811. At Public Meetings of a Number of Singers, who had been improving themselves in Sacred Music; Published at the Particular Request of the Singers in Sutton, North-Parish. Sutton, (Mass.): Printed by Sewall Goodridge, 1811. First Edition. [8977] $65
Cushman, E. A New Collection of Hymns, for Conference Meetings, and for Private Devotion; Selected from the most approved Authors.Hartford: Printed and Published by Roberts & Burr, 1821. Second Edition, Revised and improved from the first Edition, By the Rev. E. Cushman. [8628] $750
Day, H. W. The One Line Psalmist; Day and Beal's New Musical Notation and Sight-Singing Method, by which Classes, Schools and Choirs, In a few lessons become better Readers of Music than Common Singers do the Old way during life: Also, a large variety of Sacred Music, new and old; By German, English, and American Composers, Comprising Tunes in the usual Metres and Keys; together with Sentences, Anthems, and Chants. Boston: Published at 8 Court-Square, and sent per order to Booksellers and Teachers of Music to all parts of the United States, 1849. [8847] $200
[Day, Mahlon] A Hymn on Creation. New-York: Printed and Sold by Mahlon Day, 1824. [8979] $45
[Day, Mahlon] A Hymn on Creation. New-York: Printed and Sold by Mahlon Day | Stereotyped by James Conner, New-York, ca. 1830. [8978] $45
Dingley, Charles [editor]. The Devotional Harmonist: A Collection of Sacred Music, comprising a large variety of New and Original Tunes, Sentences, Anthems, etc., In addition ot many of the most Popular Tunes in common use; Presenting a greater number of Metres than any book heretofore published. To which is prefixed, A Progressive System of Elementary Instruction for Schools and Private Tuition. New-York: George Lane and Levi Scott, 1849. Patent Note Edition. [8691] $200
Doll, Joseph. Leichter Unterricht in der Vocal Musik, : enthaltend eine Sammlung geistreicher Gesänge, mit den neuesten und vornehmsten musicalischen Stücken, von verschiedenen Dichtern und Componisten, nebst hinreichendem Unterricht versehen; Eingerichtet für Singschulen. : Zweyter Band. Harrisburg: Johan Wyeth, 1815. First Edition. [8789] $900
Doll, Joseph. Der Leichter Unterricht In der Vocal Musik, Enthaltend, die vornehmsten Kirchen-Melodien, Die be allen Religions-Verfassangen gebräuchlich sind, auf drey Stimmen gesezt; Und mit den vornehmsten Musikalischen Stücken, von versehiedenen Dichtern und Componisten, Sament hinreichendem Unterricht versehen, singesich tet für Singschulen. Harrisburg, [PA]: Johan Wyeth, 1810. First Edition. [8697] $1200
Eyer, Henry C. Die Union Choral Harmonie...The Union Choral Harmony (German and English). Philadelphia: Stereotyped by John Fagan | Printed by J. Vancourt, 1839. Tenth Edition, with Additions and Improvements. [8843] $400
Forbush, Abijah. The Psalmodist's Assistant: containing An Original Composition of Psalm and Hymn Tunes; together with A Number of Favourite Pieces from different Authors. To which is prefixed, An Introduction to the Grounds of Music. Boston: Manning & Loring, 1806. Second Edition. [8983] $300
Freeman, Enoch W. A Selection of Hymns: including A Few Originals, designed to Aid the Friends of Zion in their Private and Social Worship. Exeter, [NH]: Leonard Russell, 1832. [8890] $200
Gerhart, Isaac; Eyer, Johann F. Choral Harmonie : Enthaltend Kirchen-Melodien, die bey allen Religions-Verfassungen gebräuchlich, auf vier Stimmen gesezt, und mit einigen musikalischen Stücken nebst hinreichenden Unterricht versehen, eingerichtet zur Uebung der Jugend und zum Gebruch [sic] des öffentlichen Gottesdienstes, welches ohne und mit der Orgel kann gebraucht werden, wann ein Organist die Regeln der Musik beobachtet. Harrisburg: John Wyeth, 1822. Second Edition. [8842] $200
Gillette, A. D. Hymns for Social Meetings; selected by A. D. Gillette. Philadelphia: Fidelio Buckingham Graham, Publisher | King & Baird, Printers, 1842. First Edition. [8672] $200
Gould, N. D. Juvenile Harmony: containing Appropriate Hymns and Music, for Sabbath Schools, Sabbath School Anniversaries, and Family Devotion. Boston: Gould, Kendall and Lincoln, 1837. [8975] $200
Hickok, J. H.; Fleming, Geo. Evangelical Musick; or, The Sacred Minstrel and Sacred Harp United: consisting of a great variety of Psalm and Hymn Tunes, Set Pieces, Anthems, &c., &c., &c. Philadelphia, New York, &c.: J. Whetham, D. Appleton & Co., etc., 1836. [8694] $450
Hood, George. The Southern Church Melodist: A Collection of Sacred Music, consisting of a great variety of The Most Approved Psalm and Hymn Tunes, Anthems, Sentences, Chants, etc., selected and original; Intended for the Use of Schools, Choirs, and Social Meetings; Arranged for Four Voices, with a Figured Base for the Organ or Piano Forte. To which is prefixed, A Full and Complete Inductive Elementary Treatise; with practical Exercises. Philadelphia: Hogan & Thompson, 1846. [8769] $450
[Inglis, James]. Spiritual songs in the House of our Pilgrimage: In two Parts; Part I. - Hymns for the Assemblies of the Saints, Part II. - Hymns of Private Worship, Devout Meditation, and Mutual Comfort and Exhortation. Detroit: Putnam, Smith, & Co. | Steam Power Press of O. S. Gulley, 1860. [8673] $200
Jackson, Samuel. Sacred Harmony: A Collection of Music, adapted to the greatest variety of Metres now in use: And, for Special Occasions, A Choice Collection of Sentences, Anthems, Motets, and Chants; With an Improved System of Elementary Instruction. New-York: George Lane & Charles B. Tippett, 1848. Patent Note Edition. [8836] $200
Law, Andrew. The Art of Singing; in three parts: to wit, I. The Musical Primer, II. The Chistian [sic] Harmony, III. The Musical Magazine. Cambridge: W. Hilliard, 1803-05. Fourth Edition with Additions and Improvements, Printed upon a New Plan. [8854] $1800
Law, Andrew. The Art of Singing; in three parts: to wit, I. The Musical Primer, II. The Christian Harmony, III. The Musical Magazine. [Part I only as issued]. Cambridge: Printed by W. Hilliard, 1803. Fourth Edition with Additions and Improvements; Printed upon a New Plan. [8702] $750
Law, Andrew. The Christian Harmony: or the Second Part of the Art of Singing: Comprising a Select Variety of Psalm and Hymn Tunes: Calculated for Schools and Churches. [Windsor, Vermont]: [Nahum Mower], [1805]. This is Part Two of [The Art of Singing; in three Parts...&c. Printed at Windsor, Vermont, by Nahum Mower. 1805.] [8787] $600
Linsley, James H.; Davis, Gustavus F. Select Hymns, adapted to the Devotional Exercises of all Evangelical Denominations. Turbotville, Pa.: Henry Miller, 1854. Stereotyped Edition. [8929] $200
M'Cauley, E. D. The Harmonia Unio: being a collection of Psalm and Hymn Tunes, Anthems, &c., &c. with An Appendix of the most Approved Standard German Church Tunes, designed for Singing-Schools, Choirs, Congregations, &c. Philadelphia: Henry B. Ashmead, 1858. [8841] $200
Manchester, Wm. C. Songs of Zion, or Conference Hymns, Selected and Original; To which are added, A brief Sketch of the Author's Life and Experience. Providence: H. H. Brown, 1835. Third Edition, Enlarged and Improved. [8953] (Six Principle Baptist) $200
Mercer, Jesse. The Cluster of Spiritual Songs, Divine Hymns, and Sacred Poems; being chiefly A Collection. Philadelphia: Published for the Proprietor: For Sale by J. J. Woodward, Philadelphia; and Collins & Hannay, New-York, 1830. Fifth Edition, Revised. [8627] $750
Musselmann, S. M. Die neue Choral Harmonie, enthaltend die vornehmsten Kirchen Melodien, eingerichtet zum Gebrauche aller christlichen Religionen von jeden Benennunen, und auf drei Stimmen gesetzt; Absonderlich eingerichtet zum öffentlichen Gottesdienste, als: Kirchen, Versammlungen und Singschulen. Harrisburg, Pa.: Hickok und Cantine, 1844. First Edition. [8833] $400
Nettleton, Asahel; Jocelyn, N. & S. S. Zion's Harp; or a New Collection of Music, Intended as a companion to "Village Hymns for Social Worship, By the Rev. Asahel Nettleton". Also, Adapted to other Hymn Books, and to be used in Conference Meetings & Revivals of Religion. New-Haven: Engraved & Published by N. & S. S. Jocelyn, 1824. First Edition. [8973] $95
[Old German Baptist Church]. A Collection of Hymns and Sacred Songs, suited to both Private and Public Devotions, and especially adapted to the wants and uses of the Brethren of the Old German Baptist Church. Dayton, Ohio: Johnson & Watson, 1893. Fourth Edition. [8933] $200
Parkinson, William. A Selection of Hymns and Spiritual Songs. In two parts. Part I. containing the Hymns. Part II. containing the Songs. Designed (Especially the Former Part) for the use of Congregations, as an Appendix, to Dr. Watts's Psalms and Hymns. New-York: Printed for John Tiebout, By D. & G. Bruce, 1809. First Edition. [8624] $200
[Pickering, David]. Hymn Book for the Use of Universalists and Restorationists Sabbath Schools. Providence, R. I.: Published and Sold by Samuel W. Wheeler, 1834. Third Edition. [8972] $750
Rhinehart, W. R. The American Church Harp: containing A Choice Selection of Hymns and Tunes, comprising A Variety of Metres, well adapted to all Christian Churches, Singing Schools, and Private Families. Dayton, O.: Printed for the Author, at the Printing Establishment of the United Brethren in Christ, 1856. [8679] $200
Rippon, John. A Selection of Hymns from the best Authors, intended to be an Appendix to Dr. Watt's [sic] Psalms and Hymns. New-York: Printed and Sold by William Durell, at his Book-Store and Printing-Office, No. 19, Queen-Street, 1792. First American Edition. [8654] $1200
Rippon, John. A Selection of Psalm and Hymn Tunes, from the best Authors, in three and four parts; adapted principally to Dr. Watts's Hymns and Psalms, and to Dr. Rippon's Selection of Hymns; containing (in a greater variety than any other volume extant) the most approved Compositions which are used in London, and in the different Congregations throughout England: Also, many Original Tunes never before Printed; the whole forming a publication of Above Three Hundred Tunes. London: Sold by Mr. Rippon, and may be had at the Vestry of his Meeting-house, in Carter-Lane, Tooley-Street, [1795]. Fifth Edition, Enlarged. [8988] $200
Rothbaust, Johannes. Die Franklin harmonie, und leichter Unterricht in der Vokal-Musik. Enthaltend, die vornehmsten Deutch und Englischen Kirchen-Melodien; die bey allen Religions-Verfassungen gebräuchlich, auf drey und vier Stimmen gesetzt: und mit den neuesten und vornehmsten musikalischen Stücken, von verschiedenen Dichtern und Componisten, sammt hinreichendem Unterricht versehen, eingerichtet für Singschulen. Harrisburg, [PA]: John Wyeth, 1821. First Edition. [8838] $600
The Salem Collection of Classical Sacred Musick; in three and four parts: consisting of Psalm Tunes and Occasional Pieces, Selected from the Works of the most eminent Composers; Suited to all the Metres in general use. To which is prefixed, An Introduction to Psalmody. Boston: Printed by Manning & Loring, for Cushing & Appleton. Sold at said Cushing & Appleton's Bookstore in Salem; by Thomas & Whipple, Newburyport; and by all the principal Booksellers in the United States, 1806. Second Edition, improved and revised. [8986] $300
Shaw, S. B. Spiritual Hymns: Selected and Arranged by S. B. Shaw, Holiness Evangelist. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Office of The Michigan Holiness Record, 1884. [8974] $300
Smith, Henry. The Church Harmony: containing a selection of Psalm and Hymn Tunes, Set Pieces, and Anthems, from the most approved authors, adapted to the Divine Worship of the various Religious Denominations; and a concise Introduction to Music. With Additions and Improvements; including a Supplement, or Selection of Sacred Music, adapted to the service of the Sanctuary, in the German Language; also, a series of practical Lessons on Time, Notation, &c. on a new and improved arrangement. Chambersburg, Pa.: Published by the Proprietor, 1847. Twenty-seventh Edition. [8766] $250
Smith, Joshua; Northrup, William; Northrup, Emmanuel. Divine Hymns or Spiritual Songs; for the use of Religious Assemblies and Private Christians: being formerly a collection by Joshua Smith, and others; With Additions & Alterations, by William & Emmanuel Northrup. Cooperstown, (N. Y.): Printed and Sold by E. Phinney, 1805. First Edition of the present Compilation. [8529] $600
Smith, Joshua; Northrup, William. Divine Hymns, or Spiritual Songs; for the use of Religious Assemblies and Private Christians: Being formerly a collection by Joshua Smith - and Others; Twelfth Edition, With additions by William Northrup. Norwich, [CT]: Printed and Sold by Russell Hubbard, 1811. Twelfth Edition. [8928] $400
Stanford, John. The Domestic Chaplain: being Fifty-two short Lectures, with Appropriate Hymns, on the most interesting subjects, for every Lord's Day in the year; Designed for the Improvement of Families of every Christian Denomination. New-York: Printed and sold by T. & J. Swords, 1806. First Edition. [8950] $200
Steffy, J. W. The Valley Harmonist, containing a Collection of Tunes & Hymns, from Approved Authors - Adapted to the Worship of Religious Denominations. Winchester: Printed by Robinson & Hollis, 1836. First Edition. [8678] $750
Thompson, Wilson. A Baptist Hymn-Book, designed especially for The Regular Baptist Church and All Lovers of Truth; Partly Selected from Approved Authors, and Partly Composed by the Compiler. Arranged to Suit all Occasions of Public or Private Worship. Cincinnati: Wilstach, Baldwin & Co., Printers, 1844. First Edition. [8894] $300
Van Deventer, Cornelius. The New-Brunswick Collection of Sacred Music; A Selection of Tunes from the most approved Authors in Europe and America. Designed Principally for the Use of Churches. New-Brunswick, N. J.: J. Terhune, 1840. Eighth Edition, Enlarged and Improved. [8840] $250
Van Deventer, Cornelius. The New-Brunswick Collection of Sacred Music; A Selection of Tunes from the most approved Authors in Europe and America. Designed Principally for the Use of Churches. New-Brunswick, N. J.: J. Terhune, 1841. Eighth Edition, Enlarged and Improved. [8832] $200
The Village Harmony: or, Youth's Assistant to Sacred Musick; consisting of Psalm Tunes and Occasional Pieces, selected from the works of the Most Eminent Composers. To which is prefixed, A Concise Introduction to Psalmody. Newburyport: E. Little & Co. | C. Norris & Co. Printers, (1813). Eleventh Edition, Corrected and Enlarged. [8982] $300
Wakefield, Samuel; M'Lain, Lazarus B. The Christian's Harp, containing a choice selection of Psalm and Hymn Tunes, Suited to the various Metres now in use among different Religious Denominations in the United States: designed for the use of Public and Family Worship; By Samuel Wakefield, Esq. Corrected, Enlarged and Much Improved by Lazarus B. M'Lain. Pittsburgh: Johnston & Stockton, 1837. Second Stereotyped Edition. [8845] $150
[Walker, Thomas]. Walker's Companion to Dr. Rippon's Tune Book; being a Collection of above Two Hundred and Eighty Favourite and Original Hymn Tunes and Pieces, (None of which are in his Selection,) In Sixty-two Measures, - Adapted for the Organ, Piano Forte, &c. To which is prefixed, An Arranged Index of the Tunes, exhibiting at one view, Suitable Hymns to such Peculiar Metres as are in Dr. Watts, Rippon, Collyer, Lady Huntingdon, Mr. Wesley's and Albion Chapel Hymn Books. London: Printed for and Sold by J. Walker | J. Haddon, Printer, 1828. Ninth Edition, with Supplements. [8987] $200
Watts, Isaac; Rippon, John. The Psalms and Hymns of Dr. Watts, arranged by Dr. Rippon; with Dr. Rippon's Selection. In one volume, with enlarged and Improved Indexes. Philadelphia: David Clarke, 1827 & 1831. [8934] $200
Weber, T. R. Die Pennsylvanische Choral Harmonie...The Pennsylvania Choral Harmony (German and English). Hellertown, Pa.: Thos. R. Weber, 1884. Thirteenth Edition. 1859 copyright date; 1884 printing. [8850] $95
[Weston, Henry G.]. The Baptist Hymn Book. Philadelphia: American Baptist Publication Society, 1871. [8936] $45
Wolcott, T. A Selection of Hymns and Spiritual Songs, for those who wish to praise God. Portland, [Me]: Rinted [sic] by A. & J. Shirley, 1817. [8976] $200
Wyeth, Francis [publisher]. Pennsylvanische Sammlung von Kirchen-Musick | The Pennsylvania Collection of Church Musick. Containing an ample Assortment of Psalm and Hymn Tunes, Anthems, &c. Set to both English and German Poetry. Designed for the Use of Families, Singing-Schools and Musical Societies. Harrisburg, PA: F. Wyeth, 1844. [8677] $300
Wyeth, John. Wyeth's Repository of Sacred Music. Selected from the most Eminent and Approved Authors in that Science, for the use of Christian Churches of Every Denomination, Singing-Schools & Private Societies. Together with a plain and concise Introduction to the Grounds of Music, and Rules for Learners. Harrisburgh, Penn.: Printed (typographically) at Harrisburgh, Penn. by John Wyeth, Printer and Bookseller, and sold by him, and by the principal Booksellers in the United States, 1810. First Edition. [8771] $1200
Wyeth, John. Wyeth's Repository of Sacred Music. Selected from the most Eminent and Approved Authors in that Science, for the use of Christian Churches of Every Denomination, Singing-Schools & Private Societies. Together with a plain and concise Introduction to the Grounds of Music, and Rules for Learners. Harrisburgh, Penn.: Printed (typographically) at Harrisburgh, Penn. by John Wyeth, and sold by him, and by Wm. W. Woodward, Bookseller.., 1816. Fourth Edition. [8786] $750
Thank you!
Steve & Susan