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Haaswurth Books ~ Old Books from Maine, 09/22

We enjoyed another productive trip to Maine and came home with many books and pamphlets that we are adding to our website. 

Be sure to review our stop and interview at Two Brothers Books in Freeport - link here - and for photos of our trip, here is the blog post.

Recent additions to our inventory below, sorted high to low price.

Lectures on Ancient Ethnography and Geography, by Barthold Georg Niebuhr (2 volume set) 1853.

The Charter & Laws of Massachusetts Bay Colony & Province 1628-1779 Puritan Civil Government as it actually was.  (1814).

The Genuine Remains in Verse and Prose of Mr. Samuel Butler, Author of Hudibras (2 volume set). First Edition, 1759.

Quakerism Not Christianity: or, Reasons for Renouncing the Doctrine of Friends (1833).   Inscribed by the author, Samuel Hanson Cox.

Hannah More 1819 First Edition: Moral Sketches of prevailing Opinions and Manners.

The Prophet's Report concerning The Messiah, preached at the Jews' Chapel (1812).

The World's Wonders, Tropical & Arctic Explorations with 200 engravings (1884).

J. T, Headley. Sacred Scenes and Characters (1850) Brilliant Publisher's Binding...stunning, worth a look!

Shocks from the Battery; or Sermons and Sayings, by Benjamin Pomeroy, Methodist preacher (1869).

Considerations Respecting The Jews and in favour of the measures adopted by The London Society, for promoting Christianity amongst them (1811).

Harbaugh's The Heavenly Recognition (1855).  An exceptionally nice copy.

Anderson, Alexander [illustrator]. Mischief its own Punishment, Exemplified in the History of William and Harry (chapbook, ca. 1823).

The Baptist writer William Wyckoff takes issue with The American Bible Society over what he considers to be false translations, in A Sketch of some of the Origin and Particulars of the History of the most Eminent Bible Societies (1847).

The Obligations of Christians to attempt the Conversion of the Jews (1812).

1809 London Society for Promoting Christianity Amongst the Jews, the first report of this Society.

A fairly obscure book by a holiness preacher, Truth Shall Make You Free, by Thomas Scoon (1870).

Sketches of the Life of Philip Melancthon; with brief notices of Pascal and Luther (1830).

Lectures on the Millennium, by Joseph Emerson, (1830).  Emerson pleads with Christians to do their duty to help "bring on the blessed period."

The Philosophy of Moral Necessity & Moral Freedom (1854).

The Use of Sacred History; especially as Illustrating and Confirming the Great Doctrines of Revelation, by John Jamieson (1810).  With dissertations on the authenticity of the books written by Moses.

1835 Welsh Bible Commentary, Y Testament Newydd, gyda Nodau Eglurhaol Ar bob Adnod.

ca. 1840 John Bunyan, Taith y Pererin, Pilgrim's Progress in Welsh, American Tract Society.

A General View of the World, with 900 engravings (1847).

An 1811 New Brunswick, New Jersey imprint: Isaac Watts, The Doctrine of the Passions explained and improved.

The Apocatastasis; or Progress Backwards (1854) [Attack on Spiritualism]

History of the First Evangelical Congregational Church, Uxbridge, Massachusetts (1891).

Robert Barclay, An Apology for the True Christian Divinity (1827).

Edward Young. The Complaint: or, Night-Thoughts on Life, Death, and Immortality (1798 Philadelphia imprint).

Letters to the Rev. Moses Stuart, by Universalist Walter Balfour (1833).

A Synopsis of Popery, as it was and as it is [bound with] Auricular Confession and Popish Nunneries.  By ex-priest William Hogan.  (1845).

Lowell Mason. The Hallelujah: A Book for the Service of the Lord (1854).

George Whitefield: A Biography, with Special Reference to His Labors in America (ca. 1860).

Elements of Moral Philosophy: comprising The Theory of Morals and Practical Ethics (1825).

The Poetical Works of Rogers, Campbell, J. Montgomery, Lamb, and Kirke White: Complete in One Volume (1828).

The 1836 printing of the colonial blue laws of Connecticut, The Code of 1650, being a compilation of the earliest Laws and Orders of the General Court of Connecticut.

Bradbury. The Jubilee: an extensive Collection of Church Music (1858).

Lowell Mason. The Boston School Song Book (1845).

Famous Authors and the Best Literature of England and America (1897).  With a chromolithographed frontispiece.

Two Hundredth Anniversary of the First Congregational Church in Middleboro, Mass.

Heaven's Antidote to the Curse of Labor, the Sabbath (1850).

Adjutant Stearns (1862) 21st Massachusetts Regiment, Young Man Killed at the Battle of New Bern.  Written by his father, William Augustus Stearns, D.D., President of Amherst College.

A Historical Discourse on the Reformed Prot. Dutch Church of Albany (1857).

The Evangelical Primer: A Minor Doctrinal Catechism; and A Minor Historical Catechism; to which is added The Westminster Assembly's Shorter Catechism. By Joseph Emerson (1812).

[Pamphlet] The History of the Bible (1843).

Natural Theology, or a Demonstration of the Being and Attributes of God, from His Works of Creation (1821).

The Historical Reader, designed for the use of Schools and Families (1825).

Sam Jones' Own Book: A Series of Sermons with An Autobiographical Sketch (1886).

The Story of Methodism (1888).

Emerson. The Jubilate: A Collection of Sacred Music (1866).

The Life of the Rt. Rev. Jas. Doyle, D. D., Bishop of Kildare and Leighlin, Irish Catholic Bishop.  (ca. 1840).

James Miekle.  The Traveller; or, Meditations on various Subjects, written on a Man of War. To which is added, Converse with the World Unseen; To which is prefixed, The Life of the Author (1813).

The Moral Class Book, or the Law of Morals (1833).

We have two copies at the moment  of the Cyclopedia of Methodism, by bishop Matthew Simpson.  We have reduced the price of both to 30 bucks each plus shipping.  Here is copy one, and here is copy two.  Buy one, or both!

The Story of Mary Jones and Her Bible.  A Welsh girl's passion for owning her own Bible led to the British and Foreign Bible Society's decision to supply Bibles to Wales.

1866 Landmark Baptist, Theodosia Ernest, 2 vol set.

The Captivity of Judah. By the Author of "Peep of Day," &c. (1878).

The Village in the Mountains, Conversion of Peter Bayssiere, and History of a Bible [ATS ca. 1840].  Three stories bound together.

A Golden Legacy to Daughters, or Advice to Young Ladies (ca. 1860).

Youth's Golden Cycle; or, Round the Globe in Sixty Chapters, Hints on Success in Life (1884).

A Full History of the Wonderful Career of Moody and Sankey (1876).

The Philosophy of the Active and Moral Powers of Man (1859)

Young People's Illustrated Bible History (1873).  This copy has a stained cover, but a low price.

ca. 1835 The New England Primer & Catechism.

The History of the English Bible with Reflections (ca. 1830).

The 1856 Memoir of the Universalist minister Rev. John Moore.

Mitchell's School Geography, 4th edition (1854)

Carl McIntire, Modern Tower of Babel (1949).

Of interest to bookplate and/or Masonic collectors, Spare Hours by John Brown with a Masonic bookplate.

Alma White, Pillar of Fire: Gems of Life, Short Stories for Children.

The Treasury of Song for The Home Circle (1882).

Lady Huntington and Her Friends: The Revival of the Work of God in the Days of Wesley & Whitefield (1853).  If you don't already have a copy, this one is inexpensive.

Soul Stirring Songs, Pentecostal Mission Publishing Co. (ca. 1918).

Many thanks!

Steve and Susan

Haaswurth Books