Haaswurth Books May 2024 Theology & Hymnal List
Here is this month's theology list. We hope that you can take the time to look through and find something for your library.
Abbot, John Emery; Ware, Henry Jr. Sermons of the late Rev. John Emery Abbot, of Salem, Mass. With a Memoir of His Life, by Henry Ware, Jr. Boston: Wait, Greene and Co., 1829. First Edition. [5969]
Alleine, Joseph. The Act of Conformity & The Alarm to the Unconverted. Mobile, AL: R. E. Publications, 1984. [5613]. This publication includes the facsimile plates and a typeset copy of the unpublished manuscript of Alleine entitled A Briefe Examination of ye new Oath, written sometime after the passing of the Act of Conformity in 1662. It reveals the Puritan view of why such an oath could not be sworn in good conscience. After this is a reprint, newly typeset, of Alleine's Alarm to the Unconverted.
American Presbyterian Mission. Minutes of the Mid-China Mission of the Presbyterian Church in the United States 1914-1923. Shanghai: Commercial Press, Limited, 1914-1923. First Editions. [5768]. Rare missionary records printed in Shanghai.
Anstey, Bruce. The Prophecies of Isaiah Expounded: God's Purpose to Bless Israel and the Nations Under the Reign of Jesus Christ, the Messiah. Richmond, BC, Canada: Christian Truth Publishers, 2004. First Edition. [10133]
Archimandrite Vasileios of Stavronikita. Hymn of Entry: Liturgy and Life in the Orthodox Church (Contemporary Greek Theologians Series, No 1). Crestwood, NJ: St. Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1984. [10145]
Arnd, Johann. Sechs Bücher vom wahren Christenthum nebst dessen Paradies-Gärtlein mit einer Lebensbeschreibung des sel. Mannes Gottes und mie einer Vorrede, so wie einer Geschichte von der wunderbaren Erhaltung des Paradies-Gärtleins. Zürich: Franz Hanke, 1848. [10171]
St. Augustine, Aurelius. Writings of St. Augustine, Saint Augustine Against Julian. New York: Fathers of the Church, Inc., 1957. [5933]
St. Augustine, Aurelius. Writings of St. Augustine, Treatises on Various Subjects. New York: Fathers of the Church, Inc., 1952. [5932]
Baldwin, George C. Representative Men of the New Testament. Philadelphia: American Baptist Publication Society, 1859. First Edition. [10150]
Baxter, Richard; Chalmers, Thomas. A Call to the Unconverted; With an Introductory Essay, by Thomas Chalmers, D. D. Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Publication, ca 1845. [10141]
Boardman, Henry A. The Higher Life Doctrine of Sanctification tried by the Word of God. Harrisonburg, Virginia: Sprinkle Publications, 1996. Reprint Edition. [10126] Great book, cheap price.
Bollinger, Edward E. On the Threshold of the Closed Empire: Mid-19th Century Missions in Okinawa. Pasadena, CA: William Carey Library, 1991. [5749]
[BRETHREN] A Choice Selection of Hymns, from various Authors, recommended for the Worship of God. Summers' Place, Near Poland, Trumbull County, Ohio: Printed by Henry Kurtz, 1844. Seventh, Enlarged Edition. [10164]
Brown, John (of Haddington); Caleb Bartlett, printer. A Short Catechism for Young Children. New-York: S. M. & C. Bartlett, 1822. [5961]
Calvin, John; Owen, John [translator]. Commentaries on the Epistle of Paul the Apostle to The Romans. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co, 1959. Reprint edition. [10120]
Chapman, J. Wilbur. The Life and Work of Dwight L. Moody: Presented to the Christian World as A Tribute to the Memory of the Greatest Apostle of the Age. Philadelphia & Chicago: International Publishing Co, 1900. First Edition. [10140]
Clarke, James Freeman. Events and Epochs in Religious History; being the substance of A Course of Twelve Lectures delivered in the Lowell Institute, Boston, in 1880. Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin and Company | The Riverside Press, Cambridge, 1898. [5619]
Cassilly, Francis, S. J. Religion : Doctrine and Practice for use in Catholic High Schools. Chicago: Loyola University Press, 1926. [10156]. There is a most interesting section discussing indulgences wherein the author says that money is not to be given for them - that is simony - but a donation may be required.
Darby, J. N. Notes and Comments on Scripture (7 volume set). Winschoten, Netherlands: H. L. Heijkoop, 1971. Reprint Edition. [10159]
Doddridge, Philip. Rise and Progress of Religion in the Soul; illustrated in a course of Serious and Practical Addresses, suited to Persons of every Character and Circumstance, with A Devout Meditation, or Prayer, subjoined to each chapter. Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Publication, ca 1850. [10138]
Earle, A. B. Revival Hymns. Boston: James H. Earle, 1870. [10173]. Baptist hymnal.
[Ephrata Press] Die Ernsthafte Christenpflicht : Darinnen Schöne Geistreiche Gebäter, Darmit Sich fromme Christen-Hertzen zu allen Zeiten und in allen Nöthen trösten können. Ephrata [Pennsylvania]: Johannes Baumaun, 1808. [10107]
Evans, Edmund. The Illuminated Scripture Text Book with Interleaved Diary for Memoranda and A Coloured Illustration for Every Day. London: Frederick Warne & Co., (1872). [5966]. With 364 chromoxylographed color illustrations.
Foster, Robert. General Collection: Hymns, Original and Selected, for the use of Christians. Portsmouth, N. H.: Printed and Sold at the Office of the Christian Herald, 1825. Second Edition - Revised. [10172]. Dowling, Hymn and Gospel Song Books of the Restoration Movement: A Bibliography, p. 62. First published 1824; "Note: This is the first part of what was designed as a Portsmouth Collection."
Friedemann, Lera B. Under Five Flags: Experiences of the Friedemanns, Missionaries to Central Europe; Introduction by Harold A. Wilson. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1940. First Edition. [5631]
Good, John Mason. The Book of Nature (Complete in One Volume); From the Last London Edition. To which is now prefixed, A Sketch of the Author's Life. New-York: Harper & Brothers, 1836. Harper's Stereotype Edition. [10160]
Guinness, Henry Grattan. Light for the Last Days: A Study Historic and Prophetic. Franklin Classics, 2017. Reprint edition. [10132]
Habermann, John; Neuman, Caspar. The Christian's Companion: containing Morning and Evening Prayers for every Day in the Week, by Dr. John Habermann. Also, Dr. Neuman's Prayer of Prayers, and a collection of Morning and Evening Hymns. Harrisburg: Theo. F. Scheffer, 1856. [10179]
Heidegger, Johann Heinrich. The Concise Marrow of Christian Theology. Grand Rapids: Reformation Heritage Books, 2019. [10136]. First published at Züruch in 1697, as an abridgement and introduction to the author's larger work, The Marrow of Theology.
Henry, G. W. The Golden Harp; or, Camp-Meeting Hymns, old and new. Set to Music. Plus Supplement. Auburn: William J. Moses, 1856. [10162]
Hillman, Joseph. The Revivalist: A Choice Collection of Revival Hymns and Tunes, original and selected. Troy, N. Y.: Joseph Hillman, 1872. Harmonized and Revised. [10151]
Hiscox, Edward T. The Baptist Church Directory: A Guide to the Doctrines and Practices of Baptist Churches. New York: Gilbert H. McKibbin, 1890. Fiftieth Thousand: New and Revised Edition. [10175]
Hopko, Thomas. The Orthodox Faith, Volume I: Doctrine and Scripture; With Illustrations by Andrew Tregubov. Yonkers, NY: St. Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1981. First Edition. ISBN: 9780866420792. [10131]
Ingraham, J. H. The Prince of the House of David; or Three Years in the Holy City; Being A Series of Letters of Adina, A Jewess of Alexandria, Sojourning in Jerusalem in the Days of Herod, Addressed to her Father, a Wealthy Jew in Egypt. And Relating, as by an Eye-Witness, All the Scenes and Wonderful Incidents in the Life of Jesus of Nazareth, from his Baptism in Jordan to His Crucifixion on Calvary. New York: Pudney & Russell, 1859. Revised Edition. [10149]
Johnson, Elihu. New Testament Theology: Independent of, and Unfettered by, the Traditions of Men. Boston, Mass.: Self Published, 1883. First Edition. [5805]. The author is decidedly against creeds in general, and Calvinism in particular.
Kaufmann, Yehezkel. The Biblical Account of the Conquest of Canaan. Jerusalem: The Magnes Press, The Hebrew University, 1985. Second Edition. ISBN: 9789652235565. [5509]
Kelly, William. Lectures on the Second Coming and Kingdom of The Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Winschoten, Netherlands: H. L. Heijkoop, 1970. Reprint Edition. [10121]
Kim, Samuel I. The Unfinished Mission in Thailand: The Uncertain Christian Impact on the Buddhist Heartland. Seoul, Korea: East-West Center for Missions Research & Development, 1980. [5812]
Knowlton, M. J. The Foreign Missionary; His Field and Work [SIGNED]. Philadelphia: Bible and Publication Society, 1872. First Edition. [10122]. pp. [197]-228, "China As A Mission Field. A Premium Tract."
Life Stories of Dying Penitents; or, Sick-Calls; From the Diary of a Missionary Priest. New York: P. J. Kenedy and Sons, c 1900. [10129]
Lorenzen, Thorwald. Resurrection and Discipleship: Interpretive Models, Biblical Reflections, Theological Consequences. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 1995. First Edition. [10147]
[LUTHERAN] A Collection of Hymns and Prayers, for Public and Private Worship; Published by Order of the Evangelical Lutheran Joint Synod of Ohio. Zanesville: Printed at the Lutheran Standard Office, 1845. [10163]
[Masonic Mississippi] Proceedings of a Convention of Chapters of the State of Mississippi, held at Vicksburg, May 18, 1846-2376-5846, for the purpose of forming a State Grand Chapter; with the Constitution Adopted, and the Proceedings of the First Meeting of the Grand Chapter. Jackson: Printed at the Southron Office, 1846. First Edition. [5675]
Maury, Abbé; Lake, John Neal [translator]. The Principles of Eloquence, adapted to the Pulpit and the Bar. New-York: Printed by D. and G. Bruce, for Thompson, Hart and Co., 1807. [5828]
[MENNONITE] A Collection of Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs, suited to the various occasions of Public Worship and Private Devotion, of the Church of Christ. Singer's Glen, Rockingham Co., Virginia | Elkhart, Indiana: Joseph Funk's Sons | John F. Funk, 1868. Fifth Edition, with an Appendage of German Hymns. [10166]
[METHODIST] Hunter, William. Select Melodies; being a New Collection of Devotional Pieces, comprising nearly all those Hymns which are the Greatest Favorites, and are most commonly used, but not found in the standard Methodist Episcopal Hymn Book; Designed chiefly for the Social Circle. Pittsburgh: Published by Z. H. Coston, At the Methodist Book Depository, 184, Liberty Street, 1841. Third Edition, Revised and Enlarged. [10167]
[METHODIST]. Hymns for Sunday Schools, Youth & Children. New-York: Carlton & Porter, 1854. Later printing. [10169]. Another copy, first printing.
Moody, D. L.; McClure, J. B. Anecdotes and Illustrations of D. L. Moody related by him in his Revival Work. Chicago: Rhodes & McClure, 1877. Revised Edition. [10137]
Poulain, A. The Graces of Interior Prayer (Des Graces D'Oraison): A Treatise on Mystical Theology; Translated from the Sixth Edition by Leonora L. Yorke Smith, with a Preface by The Rev. D. Considine, S.J. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., Ltd, ca 1920. Third Impression. [10153]
Reformed Dutch Church. The Constitution of the Reformed Dutch Church of North America: with an Appendix; Containing Formularies for the Use of the Churches together with the Rules and Orders for the Government of the General Synod. The Catechism, Articles of Faith, Canons of the Synod of Dordrecht, and Liturgy. Philadelphia: G. W. Mentz & Son, 1840. [5858].
[REFORMED MENNONITE] Reist, John. A Collection of Hymns, designed for the use of the Church of Christ (English & German). Lancaster: Elias Barr & Co., 1858. [10161]
Roberts, Philetus. Memoir of Mrs. Abigail Roberts, an account of Her Birth, Early Education, Call to the Ministry, varied and extensive Labors, and the Success which attended her in several States, with many interesting Incidents of her Life. Irvington, N. J.: Published at the Office of the Christian Messenger and Christian Palladium, by Moses Cummings, 1858. First Edition. [10128]. She was one of the first preachers of the “Christian church” movement, associated with Barton W. Stone, who afterward joined with Alexander Campbell in the “Disciples of Christ” church. This is a scarce primary biography of a female minister of the Restoration Movement. Written by her son. Appended is “Vindication of Female Public Speaking,” by D. P.
The Sacred Harp. London: Charles Daly, 1841. Sixteenth Edition. [10180]. Devotional poetry.
Schulz, Hans-Joachim. The Byzantine Liturgy: Symbolic Structure and Faith Expression. New York: Pueblo Publishing Company, 1986. [10144]
Smith, William. A Dictionary of the Bible comprising its Antiquities, Biography, Geography, and Natural History (3 volume set). London: John Murray, 1863. First Edition. [10152]
Spurgeon, C. H. John Ploughman's Talk; or, Plain Advice for Plain People. New York: Sheldon & Company, ca 1860. [10142]
Stevens, Abel. The Centenary of American Methodism: A Sketch of its History, Theology, Practical System, and Success; Prepared by order of the Centenary Committee of the General Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church. New York: Carlton & Porter, 1866. [10139]
Union Hymns; Revised by the Committee of Publication of the American Sunday-School Union. Philadelphia: American Sunday-School Union, 1845. [10170]
Vories, Wm. Merrell. The Omi Brotherhood in Nippon: A brief history of "The Omi Mission" founded in Omi-Hachiman, Japan, in 1905. Omi-Hachiman, Japan: The Omi Brotherhood Book Department, 1937. Fourth Edition. [10143]
Wakeley, Joseph Beumont. Lost Chapters from American Methodism (Applewood's American Philosophy and Religion). Bedford, Massachusetts: Applewood Books, 2009. ISBN: 9781429019088. [5622]. A facsimile printing of a book originally printed in 1858. The history is based upon a book then recently discovered, of Methodist American church records 1768 to 1797.
Waring, Anna Letitia. Hymns and Meditations; With Selections from Several Authors. Philadelphia: Association of Friends for the Diffusion of Religious and Useful Knowledge, 1859. [10177]
Watts, I. The Psalms of David Imitated in the Language of the New Testament, And Apply'd to the Christian State and Worship. London: Printed for Richard Ford, at the Angel; and Richard Hett, at the Bible and Crown; both in the Poultry, 1732. The Eighth Edition. With the Preface and Notes. [10174]
Watts, Isaac. Watts' Divine and Moral Songs, for the Use of Children. New-York: Printed and Sold by Mahlon Day, 1828. [5962]
Webb, Maria. The Penns & Penningtons of The Seventeenth Century, in their Domestic and Religious Life: illustrated by Original Family Letters: Also incidental notices of their friend Thomas Ellwood, with some of his Unpublished Verses. Philadelphia: Henry Longstreth, 1868. [10148]
Whitefield, George. A Collection of Hymns for Social Worship, More particularly designed for the Use of the Tabernacle and Chapel Congregations. London: Printed for H. D. Symonds, and M. Jones, Paternoster Row, 1801. A New Edition, Embellished with a Portrait of the Rev. G. Whitefield. [10178]
Wilson, P. Whitwell. The Meaning of Moody. New York: Fleming H. Revell Company, 1938. [5786]. "In this book, I am endeavoring to answer two questions. What was it in Dwight L. Moody that aroused so world-wide a sensation when he was alive? What does Dwight L. Moody mean to us today?"
Woods, F. H. The Hope of Israel: A Review of the Argument from Prophecy. Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1896. First Edition. [10124]
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Steve & Susan
Haaswurth Books